Okay, folks...I got my trial pair of Phonak CROS aids this afternoon. What a perfect day to experiment as I had a dinner date with a good friend of mine. We went to what is probably one of the noisier restaurants in Boston (Sweet Cheeks in the Fenway...fabulous!). I purposely had him sit on my bad side so I could genuinely test just how much conversation I could follow. Well, I have to say, I am very excited about the prospect of this solution. I was able to hear him quite well and didn't have to crane my neck once. Tomorrow will be my first test at work. We'll see how that goes, but, man oh, man...this is exciting stuff.
Phonak's upgrade to their new wireless platform has apparently made all the difference for many patients. The technology prior to 2011 just wasn't up to snuff...but this new platform seems to be a winner.
Interestingly enough, I just heard from Boston Medical Center about a dentist referral for the impression needed to mold the ITM piece for Soundbite. I'm going to hold off for the moment to evaluate the CROS for a while. Should I be dissatisfied, I will explore Soundbite.
If anyone has insights on the difference in sound quality between the current CROS system and Soundbite, I'd love to hear about it.
Thanks all, especially, Lee Clinton. You were my inspiration to go check out the device. Had I not read about your comments, I would never have explored it.
Best, rjo