ANA Discussion Forum
General Category => Hearing Issues => Topic started by: lawmama on May 20, 2010, 03:47:31 pm
I heard from my Doctor’s office today and my Baha surgery is covered by my insurance!!! Yippy! I guess this is a little payback for all of the aggravation I have gone through getting my insurance company to pay for my original AN surgery. I’m very excited.
I will probably be scheduling the surgery for the end of summer. That works best with my school schedule since I am working and taking classes through July.
Thanks for all of the good info and support. I can’t wait!
Lyn ~
Congratulations! I know you had to go through a lot of hassles for this but I'm so glad to learn that it paid off.
Great news, Lyn!
You're going to love it! ;D
That's great news for you! I had a Baha consult and my dr. told me that I could not swim for one month after surgery...not sure if that is standard or not but if I go for it, I will wait until fall since I love swimming so much in the summer...can't wait to hear when you get your date.
Now that is great news. Amazing how long it takes, don't it? My approval is in the middle somewhere. THe Cochleo OMS is really trying to help with the mess.
I will have to ask about the swimming thing. We have a new big pool and I want to be able to swim :-)
Take care........Hopeufully it all works out for he best!
I didn't know that I couldn't swim for a month after the Baha surgery. That is something for me to keep in mind. I live in Florida so we swim a lot all the way through the summer and into the late fall. Still, I am sure I will have it done some time this calendar year (God willing!). I would really like to have a little time with the Baha on and functional before I graduate next May.
Great news! You will love BAHA!
Yea Lyn! :)
I'm sure you will just love having that BAHA while you finish up your classes and schooling- should really help.
If wasnt allowed to swim in the ocean for 3 months...Doc wanted to makesure all was healed so no infection would take place...
You go, Lyn. I am really liking my BAHA. It opened up a whole world that I was missing at school. Keep us posted.
Lyn -
this is FANTASTIC news!!!
I am SO thrilled for you. BAHAs ROCK!! ;D
Once you've scheduled your surgery, please drop Lori and me a PM with the date and we'll send you one of our Official BAHA Recovery Kits.
Once you've scheduled your surgery, please drop Lori and me a PM with the date and we'll send you one of our Official BAHA Recovery Kits.
What's in the kit? Klondike bars? :D :D :D
You'll like your Baha as much as we do! ;)
Hopefully there will be some chocolate in that kit!
While Lori and I have never released the contents of our kits, it's widely known that they do include chocolate.
Other than that, the people we've sent them to are sworn to secrecy.
Anyone who tells, gets their device taken away ;) :D
That is so sweet! Thanks!
Whatever else the kit might contain, I assure you that chocolate will make me feel better no matter what. ;)
I will hopefully be scheduling my surgery late summer or early fall. We'll see.
Congratulations on the GREAT news!! You will definitely love your Baha. As a student myself, school has been much better since I have my Baha. I feel like part of the class once again! I am so happy for you!! ;D ;D