ANA Discussion Forum
Archive => Archives => Topic started by: themis1982 on May 26, 2006, 01:27:23 pm
Has anyone been on a roller coaster ride since surgery? I'm headed to Vegas this weekend and want to ride with my friends, but the thought makes me clench my jaw. haha :o
Hi, I was in vegas in Feb. i really wanted to do it, but was too scared. let me know how it goes...... :-\
I was going to ride a coaster 3 different times..twice before I was diagnosed. I was very symtpomatic and one after diagnosis. I never made it and was told had I of gotten on the ride I'd not have gotten off the ride alive. My tumor was pressing on my brain stem which was beginning to twist. I have been advised not to ride them anymore since my surgery but was also told it was unadvisable but not due to surgical concerns at this point more the surgeons opinion of the damage it can cause to even a healthy persons brain.
Which coaster in vegas are you planning to do?
New York New York I'd say no
Stratosphere I'd say it's pretty tame
There's one at circus circus to, can't remember the name but it wasn't too jerky.
but there are a few factors I'd consider.
1) call and get your doctors opinion
2) do you have brain stem involvment
3) how much of a thrill seeker are you?
I know there are a few on here who's ridden since their surgery. I miss the thrill!
I love roller coasters! There aren't many in Caribbean where I used to live, but a year before my diagnosis I went to Busch Gardens with a buncha girlfrinds and we rode Montu a few times. BOY was I dizzy! I thought it was an exceptionally wild ride--which it is--but didn't know my experience was exacerbated by the fact that I had an AN. Give yourself a break and follow your doc's orders!
CApt Deb 8)
Montu is fun! I was hoping to ride their new one last glad I didn't make it! You guys wouldn't know me if I had!
I will ride anything! In Ohio we have Cedar Point and I ride all the coasters. My first year after surgery the dr. told me to keep with the boats and the train and those great big swans that you peddle in the water{boring} Now the head is healed! I love to ride, coasters are my favorite. Last year when we went to CP, we were in line for a coaster and I looked around and it looked like we were the only "old" folks in that line.
I'm with cakes...I love coasters. I was heading to CP when I got so sick and ended up cancelling my trip....watching the amazing racers ride the coasters made me envious!
I grew up in Cleveland and used to go to CP all the time. My favorite was the Rotor--a big circular room which spun and then the floor dropped out. Loved to watch the guys in their already tight 60's pants on that one! Now all I have to do for that spinning room sensation is walk real fast on the treadmill at the gym!
Capt Deb
We went to Walt Disney World to celebrate my one year anniversary and one of my first rides was the Rock-n-Roller Coaster! I noticed no difference in riding than before my surgery except the speaker only worked on one side. ;) I talked to my doc before riding coasters and such and he told me no problem at all. I thought I would have more balance probs or something but it was just as much fun as it was before!!!!!
We also live near Cedar Point and I rode coasters there last summer.
A side note: The day I found out my surgery date we took our kids to CP overnight. It was in May, the weather was beautiful, the park was quiet and I rode coasters that day too. I convinced my husband to ride the Top Thrill Dragster (not for me). He was a little hesitant but then I reminded him I was facing brain surgery the least he could do was ride a ride. LOL
Pembo you must not have had brain stem involvement!
Sounds like you had fun!
Rock n roller coaster is fun isnt' it? ;D
Battyp and I only get to enjoy roller coaster as a spectator sport now >:(
I also had brain stem involvement and my surgeons strongly advised against riding and with balance issues most of the other rides are questionable. I'll just sit on the bench and eat corn dogs ;D
We are leaving for CP friday with our camper. We stay at there campground for 2 nites. My son is so excited. Friday we just walk along the boardwalk and go swimming. Its so pretty around the lake. We ride the "indy" cars at nite and go to the park on Sat.
I chickened out, but I'll go for it next time. We still had loads of fun. I have the sunburn to prove it, ouch!