ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Patti UT on November 02, 2006, 10:14:56 am

Title: Great Post Op Therapy
Post by: Patti UT on November 02, 2006, 10:14:56 am

For those of you just becomming posties. I have read some posts about not being able to read, and TV getting boring, etc. Directly after my surgery, because of the double vision major eye problems having to use the drops every 3 mon or so,  and thevertigo/balance/spinning I too could not read a thing, and even watchng TV was very  difficult.  I started a morning routine of turning on "Comedy central" TV station and laying in my bed and just listen to the stand up comics. It made me laugh which made me feel better. It was a great way to start my day. I did this for several months, even after I was able to actually focus and watch TV without getting the spins too much, I would still just listen to it.

The other thing that works great are books on tape or cd. Keeps your mind busy without having to be visually concentrating on anything. Also a great way to test the post op hearing. Lay on the good ear, see how many words you can actually make out. See  you can find little games to play during recovery.  :D :D :D

Best Wishes to all

Patti UT
Title: Re: Great Post Op Therapy
Post by: nancyann on November 02, 2006, 11:35:00 am
Hi Patti - one of my favorite things in life is to laugh so hard my stomach aches!!!   It sure gets the mind off the AN ordeal, I totally agree!!   Actually, I had a good laugh reading Phyl's Frizzyhair post, didn't you?  I also thought it was kinda funny when your doc's said your scalp was in shock  -  well my scalp hasn't gotten out of shock - it's 4 1/2 months already!!!!   Ã‚ Nancy