ANA Discussion Forum
Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: UkulelesAreAwesome on October 22, 2024, 05:06:44 pm
I had my 2 year MRI last week. I met with my doctors today. They told me they are unsure if it will grow or not. There was a period of swelling or potential growth earlier. I am relieved to be told I don't need surgery at this time. I have another MRI in 6 months. I have headaches which may be tension headaches. Other than that, I just have hearing loss, tinnitus, and a bit of pressure in the left side of my head. I'm feeling grateful that the tumor is looking more stable. I feel like I've been given my life back but I understand that can change with any future MRI. The ventricles are looking good. No hydrocephalus. Feeling thankful.
I am so very glad to hear that! I have also found that symptoms come and go (first 3 years were hard especially re nerve pain).
Yes I had two cystic components- which totally disappeared after treatment and still gone year 5. I think I also have some facial nerve aspect though re this stabbing ear pain I get on an almost daily basis. Super annoying as it wakes me up. Unfortunately, the AN releases toxic proteins so I guess we will have symptoms on and off as it causes inflammation and irritates nerves. I try and work on inflammation on a daily basis and stay healthy through diet, sleep, walking and swimming, low stress, some supplements .
Congrats on your status. My is stay that way.
UAA, I agree with you on surgery. I am glad I went radiation. Living with SSD and Tinnitus is something I can mange.
Take Care,
Thank you, Dan. I'm ok with all the side effects of GK and the tumor. The one thing I'm hoping to avoid is surgery. I can handle the rest but am scared of surgery. I'm feeling hopeful now. Depression is lifting.
That's good news. I'm about a year out from my dx, and I'm glad I chose SRS over surgery as well.
I am glad it is stable after a year.