ANA Discussion Forum

Post-Treatment => Post-Treatment => Topic started by: Lorenzo on December 14, 2006, 02:44:55 pm

Title: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Lorenzo on December 14, 2006, 02:44:55 pm
Hi all,

I just heard back from Stanford with the latest results. 2 year follow-up MRI in November:

'Steve Chang was able to review your scans and audiogram today.  You tumor is slightly smaller not (now I presume, Lo) measuring 23 x 19 x 25mm.  The audiogram is stable compared to last year although worse compared to your audiogram at the time of treatment.  Dr. Chang is pleased and would like another MRI and audiogram in 1 year.'

Actually, i'm ecstatic really. The wait to hear after sending the film to the US is always a bit nerve fraying, but this is good news for Christmas!

Ciao a tutti, I'm off to open a bottle of sparkly! ;D

Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: nancyann on December 14, 2006, 03:00:17 pm
YEEAAHH Lorenzo,

Have a glass for me to toast the great news.

Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: flier58 on December 14, 2006, 03:09:54 pm
Hi Lorenzo,
I am just very happy for you!!!!
You need to let docs on cyberknife site know about your MRI
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Lorenzo on December 14, 2006, 03:51:59 pm
HIC... thanksch guysh, willl doooooooyawwn... hic
off to bed now, 'nite
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Gennysmom on December 14, 2006, 04:07:49 pm
Boy, Lorenzo, you accomplished a lot in an hour and a bit  ;D  Congratulations!
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Dealy on December 14, 2006, 04:11:58 pm
Have been reading your e-mail;s from Ireland. How in the world did you end up in Ireland. Anyway-Very good News about your MRI. Boy don't you just hate waiting for the news. I will have my 6 month MRI on December 26th. Plus now a Spinal Scan-because I am an Nf2 on the 28th of December. Anyway SO GLAD TO HEAR THE BOOGER IS DYING-RIGHT. RON
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Derek on December 14, 2006, 04:31:58 pm
Congrats Lorenzo... great early Christmas present for you. Well done.

Best Regards

Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: vjharris on December 14, 2006, 09:27:23 pm
Way to go!
So glad for your good news.
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Windsong on December 14, 2006, 10:41:30 pm
Fabulous news Lorenzo! Way to go!

You did share that bottle lol..... ?

What a great way to greet the end of this year and begin 2007!
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Lorenzo on December 14, 2006, 11:32:42 pm
Thanks you all! :)
Oh ya Windsong, I did share the bottle, but it doens't take much to get me to the 'Hic' phase, hence the small time lapse between non-hic and moderate-hic phases, Gennysmom. Full hic would have taken another 20 minutes, but I got too BFed (Big Fatigued).
Ron, how did I end up in Ireland. Well, longish story. Lets just say that work and an Irish woman brought me here. Been here for a while, 22 years in fact.
Hope your MRI goes well on the 26th and the 28th one too. Yes the waiting is always a bit painful.
Ciao a tutti,

(off to have hot oatmeal now, back to being healthy)
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: marystro on January 05, 2007, 09:57:06 pm
Hi Lorenzo,

Just saw this one.  Go hana mhaith ar fad!  (my irish friend at work told me to say this.  I hope he is not pulling my leg.  I think it's supposed to mean really well done?!)

Hope my next month's first 6-month follow up is as encouraging but probably too soon to tell...  ;)


Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Lorenzo on January 06, 2007, 01:28:20 am
HI Mary,

I'm sure your MRI will show something. Might be a little swelling, or maybe stable. Possibly even some start to necrosis, but a bit early for that. Still, I'm sure all will be fine. When is your MRI? Reminds me I need to contact Dr Chang and get the report sent to me for my NS visit here in Ireland.

Just as well you translated hat Irish for me, that is one thing I never quite got around to do, learn Irish. Thanks for that. Say hi to your Irish friend.

Good luck with your MRI, looking forward to hearing what the result is.

Ciao  :)  Lorenzo
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: marystro on January 06, 2007, 05:05:48 am
Hi Lorenzo,

I am in the process of scheduling my MRI and audiogram for early February locally in San Diego through my Primary Care.  Just curious, how do you do your follow ups with Stanford being all the way in Ireland?  I guess remote follow up must be quite common for cases with no or mild side-effect/symptom since Stanford has patients from all over the world!  I must be one of lucky ones when I found out yesterday from Dr. Chang's email that I just need to send in my films and reports for his review.   :D  Isn't he so wonderfully responsive with emails?

My Irish co-worker and I joke around a lot.  They (Irish) must be a happy bunch with humor that I sometimes don't understand  ::).  He's wondering what is an Italian (when I told him your name is Lorenzo) doing in Ireland.  Well that will have to be another long story as you mentioned.  My Irish friend moved to the States I think it's also related to a woman  ;).  My neighbor across the street is from Rome.  He has the warmest personality that I know.  Very friendly and loves live just like you!!!  Italians rock!

I am glad we have you on this forum.  We enjoy your posts.  You keep us laughing and positive through our journey.

Your cyber-friend,
Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Lorenzo on January 06, 2007, 05:30:43 am
Hi Mary  :)  What a Cyber-friend!!!

Well, thank you for the compliments... I'm blushing...  lol  I'm glad I have all you guys here too!

You don't get your Irish friend's huour at times? Don't worry, took me a while to get used to it too.  ;D  Tell him I'm one of an increasing number of italians here, we're taking over the food and cafe culture, as is our birth right. The Irish still have no idea what a decent cappuccino is like! Not a bucket of milk anyway... I'm digressing. I did tell you my long story of ending up here, didn't I?

Follow-ups: I usually get my MRIs and audiograms done here locally, then get them assessed here and then send the whole lot to Dr Chang for his assessment. Usually takes about two weeks from start to finish. It usually all happens by e-mail. This time it got all a bit slower, I guess they must be really busy over there. IT's ok, I don't mind, they are great anyway, even if at times the response I get from them is a bit short and lacking in details!  LOL I usually push them a bit for more information, like I'm about to do in a minute about my last set of MRIs. I guess that is one of the disadvantages of being that far away. Ah well, who complains, they zapped the little fecker, and I'm happy! I'll have the opportunity to show him the resluts in person next time, when I go over in November. Proper thank yous will be dispensed all round.

Right, better go back and make some gougères, first batch came out a bit flat, too much egg I guess.


Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: BevM on January 06, 2007, 11:00:26 am
Hi Lorenzo:  Glad to hear your progress and you do sound happy!!  As you know I have followed your progress and your e-mail to me was very much appreciated.  I am now almost 3 mos. post CK and having increase in symtoms which I hear is to be expected.

Please continue to report your progress and insights!!

Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: marystro on January 06, 2007, 11:49:33 am
Hi Lorenzo,

Just one question.  How do you send your MRI scan via email?  I thought you would have to use courier because the image files are just too big?

I am quite sure with Stanford's reputation, patients understanding options better and our referrals, they are probably busier these days.

Title: Re: 2 year MRI result
Post by: Lorenzo on January 06, 2007, 12:07:12 pm
HI Bev,

Congratulations! :)  The increase in symptoms is indeed to be expected and will decrease very soon. I can't honestly remember how long mine lasted, but not very long. The only thing that has changed since and has remained at the level it droped post CK is my hearing, -5% from before CK. Louder tinnitus went back to normal, slight headacches vanished, balance fine again, fatigue resolved itself...

I'm sure you'll be doing just great too! Keep in touch!

Hi Mary,  :) I send films over, I'm not sure that the systems her and in Stanford would be compatible, so films are safer than a CD. They are busier than ever. Apparently they have a second CK now? No wonder.

Ciao, Lorenzo