ANA Discussion Forum

General Category => AN Issues => Topic started by: tenai98 on December 20, 2008, 01:49:51 pm

Title: Belly fat and pics
Post by: tenai98 on December 20, 2008, 01:49:51 pm
Ok doc mention that he would be taking fat from belly to put in my head....hehehe another soon to be fat head.  My question is how much fat is removed and exactly where on the belly?  Does anyone have any pics???  speaking of pics, I would like to have pics or even film my surgery..I find this kind of stuff very interesting...I've assisted my vet in surgery and in post mortens...yuck to some but interesting to others..
Jo ;D
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: lori67 on December 20, 2008, 03:44:30 pm
If you ask me, not enough fat is removed (I asked for some free liposuction while I was knocked out anyway!).  I have about a 3-4" scar to the side of my belly button - a little lower, on the left, so as not to confuse future doctors into thinking you've had your appendix removed.  It has faded away pretty much and is barely noticeable, but after 4 kids, I'm not planning on flaunting that part of my body anyway! 

And even if I allowed anyone to take a picture of that scar, I sure wouldn't be posting it!  Sorry, but if you think a post mortem on Rover was yucky.....I wouldn't want to make everyone here blind as well as deaf!!!  :D

Perhaps someone else might be brave enough to post a picture of their scar!

Good luck to a future fat head!!
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: cindyj on December 20, 2008, 09:55:28 pm
No, they don't take near enough fat!  My incision is about 5 inches on left side also and about 2 inches below the belly button.  While I do have pics of my head incision, none of the belly - no way.  Think I do remember someone posting a pic of their belly incision, though...

Cheri (cwood) got a DVD of her surgery - she said it was very interesting and very comforting to see the tumor out and in the trash!

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Dawn on December 20, 2008, 11:11:14 pm
While we are on the topic of scars....I didn't realize they cut 2 places for the belly fat, was there a lot of soreness after surgery when sitting up or turning in bed? is the scar on the head....did they shave your head and did your hair grow back on that side?

I know the scar should be the least of my worries but I am concerned and have been looking for pics of surgeries/scars.  I've read about the bandage on the head after long does that stay on.

My docs are thinking when I'm ready it will be the translab approach.
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: lacey7 on December 20, 2008, 11:27:41 pm
Hi Dawn
I don't quite know what you mean when you say they cut 2 places for the belly fat?  It's one long incision in the belly.  Not 2.  And, yes, it's kinda sore after surgery.
They do shave alittle hair around your incision, but it's only about 2 inches or so.  If you have longer hair, you won't notice it much.  I'm 6 months post op- and I went today to a new hairdresser to get my hair cut.
I explained to her about the surgery....and she lifted up my hair, and looked around, and said "wow...I can't hardly see your incision at all, and your hair all grew back!!!!
I hope that answers your questions.....and it's the least of your problems....honestly.
The "turban" goes all the way around your head.  They do keep it kinda tight, and my doctor changed it almost everyday to look at it.  I had to wear it the whole time in the hospital -- which was 8 days, and then even when I went home, for at least the first week, or alittle more.  It was the first doctor's visit, that I think he took it off.
It kinda bugs you, but again, not a big deal.  Hint...I had a nurse that came in when the doctor did....and she asked the doctor to "snip" alittle cut in the bandage in the front.  That loosened it up just alittle, but it felt much better.  Maybe you can remember to ask your doctor if he would do that after the first couple of days.
There are some pics here of the surgery scar.....but I can't remember who posted it.  Maybe someone else will remember.  I also had translab.
I'm glad you found this site.  It was such a big help to me.  Still is. 
Please take care, and I'm sure other people here can help you find other answers to your questions.
Keep posting, and remember to tell us your surgery date.   We like to know, to send you good wishes, and prayers.
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: lori67 on December 20, 2008, 11:56:19 pm
I only have one incision - I guess they were able to gather enough fat from just the one!   :D

I think you'll find that every doctor does things a little differently.  I had the bandage on my head removed on the 4th day post-op and I was able to wash my hair.  (Ahhhh).  I had some pain around the belly incision, but nothing tylenol couldn't handle.  I didn't have any trouble moving around at all, even with the drain in - and I think that was pulled the same time they took the bandage off my head.

The doctors seem to understand that having your head shaved can be traumatic and they seem to keep it to a minimum.  Like Lacey said, if it's not really short to begin with, you should be able to hide the shaved part pretty well.  My hair grew back pretty quickly and you can't even see the scar.

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: JudyT on December 21, 2008, 12:16:10 am
Hi everybody here...........what are you all talking about.......belly fat put in your head????? Why? What for? Never heard of this procedure for AN's?

Judy T
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: kenneth_k on December 21, 2008, 02:19:23 am
Hi Judy.

During a Translab removal of an AN, they drill a hole in your skull just behind the ear. Afterwards, they have to close it again, otherwise the luquid protecting your brain will leak from the ear and nose. But, if they fill the hole with belly fat, the hole will be closed and no leak will occur.

Belly fat is apparently a usefull material for this, and since it is your own, the risk of your head not accepting the material is low.

Normally, no more than a spoonfull is needed. My scar is centered just below the waistline, which made it necessary to wear loose clothes the first couple of weeks. Fortunately, this is also the hospital fashion style ;D

Merry christmas to everyone.

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: QRM on December 21, 2008, 03:31:01 am
I you have a six pack then they will take it from your bum cheeks?  then you really would be a butthead, The fat also replaces all the lost bone that is cut away during the op, I assumed it will start to go a bit manky after a while but apparently not once sealed in the fat is quite happy there.
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: wendysig on December 21, 2008, 08:21:59 am
Hi Dawn,

It seems every doc has his/her own preference for where and how long the fat graft incision is done.  It will almost always be done on the left side so that it is not mistaken for an appendectomy,  as Lori said.  My scar is about three inches long is is on my bikini lline -- well it would be if I wore a bikini!  Fat chnce of that ever happening.  After four abdominal surgeries besides the fat graft my belly will never again see the light of day outside.  I have to agree with Lori on another point to  --- they don't take nearly enough belly fat! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: arkansasfarmgirl on December 21, 2008, 10:24:38 am
I think the location of the belly incision not only depends on the dr, but also on the patient's supply location.  ;-)  Dr Brackmann told me that the incision would be low, in the bikini line.  Problem was, even having just had a baby, the only fat I had on my belly was right around my belly button.  So my scar is right below my belly button, and about 2 inches long.  I thought it wasn't going to be bad, but now it has started puckering and waving and is nasty looking for the moment (I managed to escape stretch marks in 2 pregnancies and now this...grrr).  It's a little sore still, a month out, but I never had any real pain from it.

One of my old posts has several pics of shaved heads and incisions on it, iif you want to look for it.  It was early/mid november,  in the inquiries section I think.  My head shave wouldn't have been bad, except that they did the BAHA at the same time, so I lost about 1/3 of my hair.  But I can still fix it to where you can't tell I had anything done.

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: leapyrtwins on December 21, 2008, 07:26:15 pm
Fat grafts aren't only for those who have the translab approach.  I had the retrosigmoid approach and I, too, am a fat head.

I only have one incision on my stomach (not two) and it's the same as Lori's - at least that's what I gather from reading her description of her scar, since I've never seen it in person  :D

My docs put my incision on the left side also and told me it was so others (medical personnel) wouldn't be confused in case of an emergency (where I couldn't speak) and think it was an appendix scar.

My belly scar wasn't an issue at all for me; I've given birth to twins and I'm well past the age of wearing a bikini.  The incision didn't bother me at all post op and it healed very fast.


Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: lori67 on December 21, 2008, 08:26:54 pm
Jan, you'll have to buy me a drink first.  Than maybe I'll show you!   :D   You should probably have a few drinks yourself first.

Vonda, I really wish I had your fat deficit problem.   :-\  If you go to the symposium next year, we'll be sure to fatten you up a bit! 

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Dan on December 22, 2008, 01:14:12 am
I also had retrosigmoid and I'm a fathead.  1" scar 2"s below the belly button.  I never had a bikini on so I don't know if its above or below the bikini line.  I wore loose fitting pants or sweat pants for the first 2 weeks after surgery and didn't have any problems.  I guess I could have bought suspenders and wore my pants like Urkel and wouldn't have had any problems.

Dan in Germany 
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Debbi on December 22, 2008, 08:03:44 pm
Hey Tena-

So, you're going to be a fellow-fat head!  My incision was about 2-3 inches long, about at the bikini line - it it was much more uncomfortable after surgery than the head incision.  I posted a picture a couple of months after surgery, when the scar was pretty fresh - it looks a LOT better now.  I use something called Bio Oil (from the local drugstore, made in Europe, I think) which has worked really well.  For the brave, here's my belly shot - bear in mind that most of my friends haven't seen my belly, so you guys are really my buds!


The scar really will fade very well with time.

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: leapyrtwins on December 22, 2008, 08:08:33 pm
Jan, you'll have to buy me a drink first.  Than maybe I'll show you!   :D   

Lori -

good to see you're not an "easy" date  :D

And Dan, I would have paid money to see you in pants with suspenders ala Urkel  ;D
Debbi -

belly pictures; you are indeed a brave woman  ;)

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: cherrypiper on December 23, 2008, 01:45:00 pm
about 2 inches by 2 inches in my case. exactly where an appendix scar would be..... 13 staples there for me, 3 in head with 2 BIG plastic stitches.......

its too provide a shock absorber for the process and all.

now after 1 year, looking at belly here,  :o

i know where its at, but really no visible scars. course my bikini covers most of it anyway....... :P

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Joef on December 23, 2008, 02:02:16 pm
Looks good to me!  ;)  ;)
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Debbi on December 23, 2008, 02:21:33 pm
Actually, I'm not so much a brave woman, as one who lost her last vestiges of dignity somewhere at the hospital!   ;D ;D  When my mom had lung surgery 11 years ago, she said that you end up with a giant case of humility very little dignity after surgery.  Heck, total strangers have now seen me naked with a tube down my throat - kinda puts things into perspective, doesn't it??  Ha ha!!

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Keeping Up on December 23, 2008, 08:13:12 pm
OK - I want off this boat - not liking that idea at all.  I had four babies, have a few bits of memorabilia to go with it but NO TUMMY SCARS, and I think the tummy has a bit o'dignity left.  I ain't going through some brain thingy and getting a tummy scar.

Why can't they take it from your butt??

Another odd one, do they really operate with you stark naked - radiosurgery have more dignity?

(OK - I have tons of time, so will evaluate ALL my options and consequences!)

Ann (came back to add my name)

PS - Debbie - you do have a lovely belly.

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: lacey7 on December 23, 2008, 08:49:06 pm
Hi there, are kinda naked when they operate.....only have a  hospital gown on and nothing else.  They must have to pull the gown up to get to the tummy!!!!!
You have a great looking tummy!!!  That's interesting that they went sideways on the incision.....mine goes up and down!!  I have had 5 other surgeries, where they had to operate on my tummy, so maybe they just went with the other incisions.  Is everyone else's sideways, also??????
I DID ask the doctor to try to take more fat out than he needed...and he just laughed at me and walked away! >:(   Grr.......
He didn't listen to me, tho!
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Pooter on December 23, 2008, 09:28:37 pm
Count me as one of the sideways fat-heads.  I'm confident they take more than they need (better safe than sorry I guess).  Since you lay around ALOT after surgery, this is probably why they take from your tummy than butt.  I couldn't imagine being achy in the backside at the same time as my head.  Ugh!

Sidenote, I rarely noticed the tummy incision.  I never had any pain from it at all, and it's so un-noticeable now that the other day I had to actually search for it.  If anyone ever sees it, then I can say it was from the same barfight that I got the one in my head in.  ;)


Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Joef on December 24, 2008, 06:42:36 am

Why can't they take it from your butt??

Actually I don't see how, because you have a hole in your head.. they want to keep you still ... how would they turn you over?

My scar is also sideways .. it has faded a little more than Debbi's .. but has left a dimple!  (maybe because I have more fat around the middle!)

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Melissa778 on December 24, 2008, 07:10:47 am

I too had several children and was blessed with minimal stretch marks and had a nice looking stomach before surgery.  My scar is just below my belly button...slightly to the left and about 2-2/1/2 inches (sideways)....unfort. for me....mine is all puckered and waved looking.  I was a bit upset when it finally healed by the way it looked.  However, condsidering I am overall healthy and my surgery went splendidly, it's a small price to pay.  it's my battle scar, it's only been 6 months since my surgery, I'm hoping it still has time to improve.....and hopefully after the holidays with a bit of working out and some great vitamin E oil, it will improve a bit.

Debi you are one brave lady!  And your scar looks fabulous compared to my own.... :)  Have a wonderful holiday

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: Soundy on December 26, 2008, 06:25:30 pm
mine is so low on my belly that a picture would be X rated ... I had to look hard to find it ...
it is into hair line low

mine was the worst part of my surgery in the  beginning , because  the doctor who took the
graft nicked a vessel and I hemorrhaged ...I came home with a bigger than a soft ball sized lump of
calcifying blood that took about 6-8  month to finally all go away ..

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: MAlegant on December 27, 2008, 07:05:36 am
Really, the belly is the least of all the problems, and Debbi, you do have a nice looking belly AND you are brave.  I was fortunate not to have belly fat removed but I remember asking them as I signed the permission form to PLEASE take the fat from some more deserving location.  Apparently a common request....
Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: wendysig on December 27, 2008, 05:14:33 pm
Debbi -

Once again you prove how brave you are, whether you think so or not -- and you do have a great looking belly!!   ;D ;D

Sorry for the hijack Jo -- as you can see -- everyone's belly fat story is a little different but one thing is almost universal -- most of us feel the docs didn't take enough -- I wonder how we can remedy that?  ;D ;D ;

Title: Re: Belly fat and pics
Post by: tenai98 on December 27, 2008, 05:21:11 pm
HMMMM maybe offer a few hundred $$ under the table for a black market