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AN Issues / New member, symptoms questions.
« Last post by Mark F. on March 27, 2025, 09:05:18 pm »
Ok.  I've been reading posts on here for a while but this is my first.  I was diagnosed in 2022. At the time it measured 10x6x6.   I just had my typical 6 month MRI and as of 3/24/25 it is now 12x8x8. I have been wanting surgery since I was diagnosed, I am one of those people who just wants it gone.   Anyway, I have most of the typical symptoms, legally deaf in my left ear, balance issues, I've literally had a headache for over a year, it's always there just usually mild, and then gets worse at times.  But I have had some odd things pop up that I think are related, but my neurosurgeon claims is not.   One is recurring double vision particularly when I'm tired or at night which makes night driving really interesting at times, and the other new symptom seems really odd, at night only and not all the time, I struggle sometimes to say what I want to say.   I know in my mind what I want to say, but I have to concentrate way more than I should to actually say the words.   Several years ago I had a pretty bad concussion from a traffic accident where I bounced my head off the steering wheel and the air bag did not deploy, for two weeks after that I had this exact same issue.  Then it was from the concussion, now I am wondering if it is somehow related to the acoustic neuroma.  Has anyone else had this type of issue?  By the way, the issue is just in speech, when I feel like that I still have absolutely no problem typing an intelligent text.  I will be talking with my neurosurgeon on Monday and I really want to push for having the surgery soon.  As a background, I am 56, but other than this tumor I am in very good shape.  I have a very active job, and until last year when the balance started becoming more of an issue I was one of those people that ran 5k's every chance I could.  So my overall health shouldn't be a factor in weather or not to have surgery.   
For those in the 'watch and wait' status / Re: Newly Diagnosed Son - Need Help Please
« Last post by JLR on March 26, 2025, 04:35:28 am »
Hello your doing all the right things. Your son needs to know he is fine and just has to follow doctors orders and check his health every 6 months.  I have had 3 surgeries.  AN with Dr. Steig.  A tumor in my skull with Dr. Cameron Brennan at MSk and a throidectomy at White Plains Hospital with Dr. Kaare Weber. The last two surgeons I mentioned were fabulous. I would highly recommend them These doctors are amazing.
Post-Treatment / Re: How many have growth after Gamma Knife on the 6month MRI?
« Last post by tsaff88 on March 25, 2025, 03:35:55 pm »

Back in 2010 I had the Gamma Knife surgery and it was followed by growth. The dizziness I had post gamma knife was because of the balance nerve dying and it eventually stopped.

The ENT told me roughly 20% of people experienced growth post gamma knife. I had translab surgery in 2012.  My balance issues stabilized over the next several years leaving reduced balance and SSD as the long term effects.

The ENT and the Neurological surgeons both stated that the area was clean and the surgery very straightforward. They left a small tail to avoid other nerve damage. I have had many MRI's since and there has been no growth.

If I had this to do over I would do it the exact same way.

Hope this helps.

Post-Treatment / How many have growth after Gamma Knife on the 6month MRI?
« Last post by GMDizzyndeaf2 on March 25, 2025, 11:19:14 am »
Hello Community,

My 6 month MRI after GK shows growth. How many of you had this result at 6 months? Did the AN stop showing growth at the 1 yr MRI? I am scared that the gamma knife is not working, it just ruined my balance and caused SSD!

Hoping someone has hope to share,

AN 10x4x5mm 7/19/2024
GK 9/17/2024
AN 13x6x5mm 3/23/2025
Facial Issues / Re: Hemifacial Spasms beginning 6 months Post CK in Jan 2022
« Last post by Dlip246 on March 25, 2025, 10:54:31 am »
Hello everyone - It's been way too long since I have updated the forum.  I am doing this with the hope that it gives some people a little insight into these facial cramping/contractions that I am experiencing.  I am just over 3 years post CK.  I had little side effects (some light headedness) afterwards until 6 months post treatment.  That's when these terrible involuntary facial cramping/contractions started to occur.  Please read back to my previous posts to get the chronology of all I have tried to get better.  I am not thrilled to say that I am still going through it.  The good news is the "events" have lessened to 0-3 a day depending on the circumstances.  They can be triggered by sneezing, laughing, yawning, rubbing my eyes, but mostly by getting worked up emotionally or with exercise.  We believe the nerve is still swollen and gets triggered (it even happens in my sleep).  So, yes, this is better than the 20/day when it first started, but unfortunately, I don't see any permanent relief in sight.

I will keep you posted with any new updates or progress.

As always, if anyone has any questions please post here or feel free to DM me and we will connect!  Information sharing is very important!

Post-Treatment / Re: Pressure Changes where tumor was- is it growing again?
« Last post by donjehle on March 19, 2025, 04:26:38 pm »
Hi Emi,

I have not had surgery so I do not have the same experience you have had.  However, sometimes people feel like a tumor is growing back when it really is not.  So, I don't want you to be anxious and worried about something that may not be the case.

Will you have another MRI soon?  The MRI can show if there is any change since your 4-month post-op MRI.

Best wishes on your continued recovery!
AN Issues / Re: Another new guy...
« Last post by dwilliams35 on March 19, 2025, 09:06:55 am »
Looks like I've been out of here for longer than I thought:  just an update, last MRI showed further degradation of the leftovers,  balance is really pretty good, but I do still have some minor issues occasionally: at this point, I'm to the point that "is this a residual symptom, or am I just getting old"?  Hearing has basically just settled into a woefully insufficient level, which I'm sure it will remain at.   Basically, no real changes for the last year and a half or whatever it was...and besides some additional hearing loss, not much different than it really was before this whole thing started..

Still no development of radiation-induced superpowers.  I'm starting to have my suspicions that the whole superpower thing is over-sold, and that I probably aren't going to get them..

Radiation / Radiosurgery / Re: 3 months Ck major exhaustion and dizzy spells
« Last post by dominic12345 on March 18, 2025, 06:09:56 pm »
10 years ago, I started my AN journey,  it's been a long road of discovery, frustration, and acceptance.  I've changed significantly in both personal and physical ways.  Even though I never planned to retire, I recently sold the company I started 30 years ago to concentrate on my health.  I've back to running every day which brings me a bit of release.  I do it to run "the crazies out of my head".... Running everyday makes me feel whole again.  While running, I often feel everything is normal again, my balance is great, my worries are few and far between.  It's when i'm done that i'm reminded that I have little to no balance, have 90% hearing loss on my AN side and my cooldown walks imitate a drunk trying to pass a sobriety test. 

2 things I know for sure,  MRI machines were designed by people that specialize in torture and life is like a bank account, you make deposits when it's good and withdrawals when not so good.

I've been through dozens of MRI's, multiple radiation treatments and the untold short and long term unwanted after effects, years of steroids, rituximab infusions, surgery, headaches, loss of hearing, vertigo and balance issues and a 10 year history of limited to no answers from an array of doctors, specialists and physical therapists.

Once again, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone here for your shared experiences and your kindness!  Without this resource, my journey would have certainly been much less tolerable. 

Please take the time to contact me if you're newly diagnosed or facing a difficult decision or just frightened by the overwhelming decisions that need to be made, I’ve been there.  Maybe something I've been through will offer you a bit of comfort. 
My son saw a Neurosurgeon Dr.Philip Stieg in NYC today.

After reviewing all MRIs he was not willing to call my son's tumor a vestibular schwannoma. He said based on the MRI it has a very irregular pattern and felt it could possibly be a venous malformation or a cholesteinoma both also benign tumors that could have been there since birth.

Next steps recommendations were also to watch and wait and come back in 6 months for another MRI, DWI imaging and CT scan with thin cuts.

Dr was outstanding and made my son feel comfortable in that he wasn't going to die and he can live a normal life and go back to college and monitor his symptoms.

If down the line there are more symptoms or the tumot grows to the point they feel they need to be more aggressive with treatment we will make a decision at that point.

This has him and all of us extremely anxiety ridden and trying to get him to talk to a therapist as even myself this has been heart wrenching watching him go through this and worrying about my son.  I have been having panic attacks worrying about him but need to be strong for him as this will be something he will have to look after for the rest of his life.

Any others deal with crippling anxiety around these disgnosies?

Post-Treatment / Pressure Changes where tumor was- is it growing again?
« Last post by Yttrium on March 17, 2025, 09:52:48 am »
Hi guys, 

I had my tumor removed 8 months ago by Dr. Schwartz and Dr. Friedman. It was 3.0 cm x 3.1 cm so they did a translabyrinthine approach which resulted in complete hearing loss. It was considered a subtotal resection, but just barely since they got almost all of it. They said my MRI 4 months post-op looked good and didn't seem worried. Since the surgery though, I have felt increases of pressure where the tumor was on the right side and I feel overly paranoid that it is growing back. Do you think that is just a side effect of the hearing loss or is it not normal to feel more pressure changes. Looking to hear if anyone has experienced anything similar/ if it indicated regrowth or not.

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