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Physicians / Golfinos NYC Retro
« Last post by Mavery on June 12, 2024, 10:10:38 am »
Has anyone had retrosigmoid with Golfinos and Roland? I am 33 years old and have a 2.1 cm tumor on my right side. I live in NYC and have 3 children (1,5, and 7).  If so, how did your surgery go? What are your long term side effects? How was recovery? Please help me. I need this info so I can determine how my children will be affected.  Thank you so much,
Maricel Avery
Post-Treatment / Re: Radiation post treatment update
« Last post by Dlip246 on June 12, 2024, 07:24:09 am »
That's terrific!!
Post-Treatment / Re: Radiation post treatment update
« Last post by DodgeAU on June 12, 2024, 02:32:47 am »
Happy to hear the good news, Moselle.
Post-Treatment / Re: Radiation post treatment update
« Last post by SP on June 11, 2024, 08:42:15 pm »
Great news Moselle  :D

Hi toliaman,

In my experience each specialist recommended their solution, be it surgery, radiosurgery or radiotherapy. I went for the least invasive most experienced team and I had fractionated CyberKnife @ Stanford,  9 years ago, for a large AN max 3.2cm.

The treatment was a success, although I do now have significant hearing loss on left hand side, my tinnitus & facial numbness has improved over time. I also monitor regularly with an MRI no contrast.

best of luck for your mom,

Post-Treatment / Re: Radiation post treatment update
« Last post by mwatto on June 11, 2024, 07:46:33 pm »
Really pleased for you Moselle! Its always a relief. And it gives us all hope.
Hi Dan I beleieve that contrast is inflammatory and can accumulate over time.  I needed it for diagnosis but since then its just about tracking and these days the technology at my imaging facility is excellent and the radiologist technician agrees its not needed- if they do flag anything then sure I will have contrast. If I did need contrast I would again make certain my kidneys can cope (always a good idea to check renal function first) plus I had a saline flush after.
I keep all my own MRI reports to check myself and then when I have any consults I feel my questions are pertinent -for example re nerve pain I asked for a focus on the trigeminal nerve last time. Personally I am not a fan of contrast and my specialist and imaging facility agree with me. If I need it in an emergency situation then ok.
Like my friend Mwatto I went CK this fall.  For a various reasons I am following up this Friday. I went out on a trip the day after the event.  I drove 2.5 hours so my wife could shop for shoes, we also had to pick up a gift for my son.  Walked 3 miles through the event, then drove home.  No issues. Another member here is trying to answer the same question. You may reach out to her.

Mwatto, how does your doctor take the no contrast approach.  I have been told it is needed and I would like not to do it long term.

Post-Treatment / Re: Radiation post treatment update
« Last post by DanFouratt on June 11, 2024, 04:50:41 pm »
Great to hear, my results will be on Friday, hopefully as good as yours.
Derek, That is such Awesome news!!  Super inspiring too!
I have now been on wait and watch for a right-sided AN for 10 years.  Hope I make it as far as you   :)
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