Author Topic: trip to audiologist... 6 months after ck  (Read 6100 times)


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Re: trip to audiologist... 6 months after ck
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2009, 07:29:11 pm »
 i went to neuro dr.  his attitude was that of what am i doing there?  i told him of the situation and he reviewed MRi and said that it is only slightly larger.  he reported that there was a typo on report.  that the docs talk into tape recorders and things happen.  he dismissed the issues and said that i was far better off now without surgery.  that i had made the right choice in using CK.

he said that hearing was most likely going to get worse....  it is ck damage - bummer that i am a part of small percentage....  great diagnossi for being a min of 5 feet away.

he said to come see him in Nov.

what a waste?  i felt bellittled.

during tha weekend - i got mad. angry, upset and question who and what i believe ....  i called the hospital.  started with billing - why pay for bad report?

then to patient advocate...  she took story and said my complaints to CEO of hospital.  i requested written report of what has happened.  i went through all aspects of care since of Dec.   if anyone thing happened, no big deal?  it just keeps coming and my real fear is teh attitiude of drs in the future.

later i got call from risk management - hospital.  i again went through story.   she asked waht i needed now....  ?

i called back later saying that i wanted another read of latest MRI.  i have an ear exam scheduled for JUly 8.....  are steroids helping?  my neck and head feels 200% better.  no neck ache in about 2 .5 months       wow!!!! 

i am eating the door from the door off teh fridge.   i am going to find a new ent?  i do not know waht else to do for the present ....  i want to know if the hearing is gone????

Diagnosed in fall of 2008 with 1.6 * 2.9cm AN on left side. 

Scheduled CK at Oklahoma Cyber Knife in December, 2008 and decided not to proceede on 2nd date that CK was scheduled.  I fired them.

CK performed at St John's Hospital (Tulsa)Jan 2009