Author Topic: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery  (Read 3768 times)


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Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« on: March 06, 2006, 11:47:50 am »
Hi there! I am just wondering if anybody has faced problems in with spouses after surgery. I had my operation Jun 04 and I lost my hearing from right. I still have some problems with dry eye and pressure in my head when getting tired. But I can cope with that. However I feel that my husband cannot cope with changes in my life. It is very difficult for me to go to loud places... It's like I loose my hearing completely, I cannot hear people talking. And as I am trying too hard pressure in my head gets too big (head & surgery area). And in the end I feel total stranges as I cannot hear... My husband I going more and more out with his friends, he don't want to go out with me not even for a coffee. He won't talk with me, he won't tell me what's wrong. I feel that this kind of silent pressure is killing me. I cannot cope with it, I cannot do anything. We have 2 kids (8,12). I won my race with 3 surgeries but this I don't know what to do. He says he feels pressure... from what?! From my head?!?! Please let me know if anybody has faced any problems and let me know how you have passed them... Thanks!  ??? :-\
3.5cm tumor right side. Oper. Jun04 lost hearing, CSF leak oper. Sep04 & Mar05. :-*


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 11:55:08 am »
I am single so can't answer your question.  I just know that most people have withdrawn from me since all this started.  Remind him of that in sickness and in health part!  I know it's hard on spouses as it's hard on us and let's face it some people just can't handle sickness very well.  Maybe some couple's couselling will help.  I know it's been hard to get my family to understand the changes in me and how hard it is..


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 08:11:34 am »
Katja: My husband and I weren't together when I had my first surgery, I remember I lost a lot of "friends" during that time, I think some had difficulty with "looking death in the eye" and I was a reminder that they too could die at an early age and I was just lucky not to have. My husband has always been 100% supportive, the only issue we have ever had was over the "baby monitor", I used to keep it turned up really loud because I sleep on my good ear, it bothered him and he would just turn it down, he wasn't thinking and one day I lost it on him then calmed down and explained to him that I had to have it that way and ever since then all's been well. I don't know what you can do when your husband won't talk, it's puzzling what may be bothering him because it could be a lot of things, keep trying to get him to open up is all I can suggest to you. Kathleen
1st AN surgery @ age 23, 16 hours
Loss of 7-10th nerves
mulitple "plastic" repairs to compensate for effects of 7th nerve loss
tumor regrowth, monitored for a few years then surgically removed @ age 38 (of my choice, not medically necessary yet)


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 08:35:29 am »
From my experience as the wife of an ANer, I can tell you that it's easy to "forget" than ANers have some lingering issues (i.e., hearing, balance, noisy places.) And my husband sometimes has to remind me of that, for example, when I forget and whisper in his deaf ear, he tells me, "I can't hear you." or when we're out in a noisy place, he'll say, "This is driving me nuts, I need to leave." Or when we were trick or treating with the kids on Halloween, he told me, "Hold onto me, my balance is really bad here in the dark." He looks just like he always has, so sometimes I "forget" that he isn't like he always was. This board has helped me understand more than anything the issues he faces, so I am pretty sympathetic. If he won't talk to you at all, that's hard. Maybe you do need counseling. I might suggest you try to talk to him about the lingering issues and tell him you need his support. If he wants to go places that you don't want to go, maybe that's OK as long as he does things with you other times. As a spouse, I can tell you I do feel a certain amount of "grief" for my husband for what he has lost. It's hard to describe, but I'm sad he'll never be the same. Sometimes I feel kind of angry about it, too. Maybe your husband feels that way, too, and has a hard time talking about it? I hope you can find a way to get him to talk about it. Jennifer


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #4 on: March 13, 2006, 08:19:16 pm »
Hi katja,

I was single and just starting a new relationship when I was diagnosed with the re-currence of an AN from 5yrs prior. My new girlfriend of three months volunteered (and I accepted graciously) her help in getting through this surgery. Anyway after seven months, (which must have damn hard on her) she decided no more and returned back to her home. I think that she (and I for that matter) underestimated the recovery process as I bounced back in 8wks the first time around and found recovery 1000% easier then this time. I'm 10mths now and still have facial paralysis and blurry vision as well as my balance is so so still. Am I disappointed? Damn right, as I thought she was the love of my life. But it made me realise that you have to look after yourself first and foremost in this life. The spouse problems you are having are probably 'normal', if I can use that word here, and it (AN surgery) places a huge drain on relationships. Your husband really should be more tolerant of the fact that you have recovered from a life threatening and life altering operation and if he loves you enough, he will adjust to your new 'normal'. If he can't then thats his loss. Just get better Kayja and my prayers are with you.


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #5 on: March 14, 2006, 12:38:52 am »
Hi Wadsy
Thank you for your words. And all of you. The weird thing is that he says he loves me, but he says every single day that he wants to go to stay alone. To see how it feels... For how long? Don't know. But normally if you leave I believe that is forever. For me that is something very very strange. We are married and have kids. Can I just like that say I'd like to stay alone and leave my kids. Life is strange and I cannot understand it. Somedays I feel 'just leave and leave us alone'! ???
3.5cm tumor right side. Oper. Jun04 lost hearing, CSF leak oper. Sep04 & Mar05. :-*


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #6 on: March 14, 2006, 06:48:46 pm »
Katja:  Although I am now divorced, after 25 years, I have also had many back surgeries, arthritis and fibromyalgia through out our marriage.  Although it wasn't the cause of my leaving, it did add to many of our problems.  Unfortuantely, it's very difficult for everyone.  The spouse who is ill can't help it, tries their best, and yet still cannot be"normal".  The spouse who tries to support feels like they have to "bear it all".  I agree, you need to talk with your hubby and concider counseling.For the record, my divorce was final the day after my AN surgery, and I really don't think my ex could have handled pre and post surgery "me".  You're in my prayers, Katja.luv2teachsped
3cmx3cm/translab 5/05
University of Michigan
Dr.Telian and Dr.Thompson

BAHA implant-4/07, processor on 8/07


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #7 on: March 14, 2006, 07:06:55 pm »
 Ã‚ Katja, you say you have two kids so You both owe it to them to try at this marrige.  You two need counciling and your husband needs to get more educated about the tumor you had.  When I had my operation, I was going through menapause. The surgery nocked me into it, big time.  I hate it but there is nothing I can do about it.  Our jobs where gone.  The company we worked for went to Mexico.  I suffered a stroke a coma, 2 seusures the works.  It was really tough.  When I finelly came home {in a wheelchair} heeling was slow.  My husband {he's a good man} needed something to do and before you knew it he was telling me how to do the wash, where to put the dishes, etc.   It was fine at first but as months past I was getting better and I did'nt want him to tell me how to do things I did for 26 years.  I am very grateful he was home for me and at the same time the house was'nt big enough for the two of us.  This was hard on him too.  Things are better now, he drives truck and I vollinteer at the hospital and stay with our 2 kids. {at home yet}  Get your husband educated.  Get perfessional help.


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #8 on: March 14, 2006, 07:32:48 pm »
I agree w/ you thecakes.......  I wish I would have gone to counselling before I did what I did.  Now, my kids I think are the ones who are suffering the most...... Breaks my heart :(


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Re: Changes in Couples Life after Surgery
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2006, 08:57:03 pm »

I hope you can work things out with your husband but if you can't, you need to move on and create a great life for you and your kids.

I have posted before that most guys (generally speaking) do not know how to handle medical issues when it happens to someone else, especially if they are injury or illness free.

You certainly need to see someone to try and straighten the issues out because it sounds like your husband is a little intraverted and is not communicating with you (that is a guy thing). He might just be scared of facing the unknown going forward.

2.0cm AN removed Nov 2002.
Dr Chang St Vincents, Sydney
Australia. Regrowth discovered
Nov 2005. Watch and wait until 2010 when I had radiotherapy. 20% shrinkage and no change since - You beauty
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