Hi Sarah,
Will try to put your mind at ease (thanks Jim!!!)
Regardless of which type of radio-treatment was done (ie: GK, CK, Trilogy, etc), at the 6 mos point, with no change to the AN is quite fine. As Jim shared, the goal of any of the radio-treatments is to stunt the AN's growth (shrinkage is not a goal of radio treatments BUT can occur as many, including myself, have noted small amts of shrinkage). As long as the AN is not showing any enhanced growth in MRI's, that is a good thing!
It usually takes a good bit of time for any radio treatment to work on AN's... not 6 mos. Most docs will note that it can take 1-2 yrs to confirm that the AN is no longer growing, thus, success. With each forthcoming MRI, if they continue to see no enhanced growth, then you are most certainly on the right path.
I have found, in speaking to many, that the key to handing post-radiation treatment is patience and mental strength. You really need to have a good deal of both to wait out for the results. As you noted, you are fearful at this point that the GK isn't working. Patience and mental strength really come into play and we are all here to help give you the patience and mental strength as you go through this. Jim, myself, Steve, Mark, Vancouver Sue, Tumbleweeds, etc.... oh, there are SO many here that are now much further along down the road post-radiation and as you can see, many of us are doing well with the results we were seeking in having radio treatment done! Please hang in there during the waiting game... its a tough game to play but winning at the end is truly rewarding!
Please hang tough.