Oh another prestigious club to be a part of - the titanium plate club (or the tpc, since I'm a state government employee who works with Dept of Labor -DOL-programs and we just love acronyms)!
I am so relieved to hear from you all so soon and glad to know your experiences with the plate have been fine. I did a quick search on this site last night for titanium plates and the first few hits were negative - issues with pain, screw problems, and dislodging - needless to say, I had to sign off and go to bed. I am wondering if there is any incidence of headaches, on-going discomfort, or other issues specific to the plate...if you have any further info on the subject, please share!!!!
As for the surgery date, I waiting for confirmation, but it looks like August 18. Once I get the official word, I'll post it on the calendar.
Thanks, as always, for the support. My neurosurgeon is going to be speaking at the symposium just before my surgery, so don't anyone give him a hard time...and watch to see that he eats well but doesn't drink too much!!!!