I was up on a ladder, taping off the crown molding in my dining room so I could put a fresh coat of paint on it. I was in the slow (painful!) process of working my way around my house. I stopped to go run an errand, and that was when I got the news from my ENT about my MRI. The ladder was put away and the project was jettisoned in favor of my new hobby, researching brain tumors.
The blue masking tape around a third of the dining room remained, a constant reminder of my life on hold. So-o-o-o-o, today I very carefully climbed back up on the ladder, finished taping around the molding, and painted my way around the room. I can't wait to pull the tape off, although the tape that was left from last summer will no doubt pull off the paint under it. I don't even care if it does.
I feel like accomplished something toward blessed normality.
Now, I just have to keep working my way around the rest of the house. Or better yet, hire someone else to do it!