Hi Paul
I'm sorry to hear you are running into post-radiation issues.... regardless of type of radiation (ie: GK, CK, etc).... many report that months post radiation treatment, enhanced side affects may occur... ie: dizziness, balance issues, diminished hearing, etc. You are now 6 mos post GK and in line with the time frame that potentially, things could crop up. Side affects of steroids can be brutal (sounds like you already know that) but, if there is possible tumor swelling going on (sometimes it doesn't show on the outside but could be occuring internally to the tumor, not seen on MRI, applying pressure on the nerve), then an antiflammatory, possible steroids, may do the trick. I noted this only from experience (I am certainly not a doctor) as I ran into the same issues down the road after my CK. My docs explained to me about "inside" tumor swelling applying pressure and unfortunely, was put on Medrol Dosepak (steroids) to nip it back to what it should be. I did ok on the steroids but it certainly helped with my symptoms and tumor swelling.
Just my 2 cents. Please feel better and hang tough!