Guilty, I started back smoking about 3 months post surgery,main tumor surgery. I think I was in more danger from my wife ( I was smoking while she was work, without her knowing.) I knew she would kill me!!  Let me tell you, boy was I in the doghouse when she found out. Seriously, it was one of the times when I dissapointed her the most. This part of it I truly regret. Jump ahead to alittle over a year ago. I came down with pneumonia pretty bad. I was a pretty sick puppy (still in the doghouse for smoking) I tried to smoke, and couldn't. I began coughing really hard, scared my daughter, scared me too. Anyway since then I can't stand the smell of them. They don't smell the same. On the plus side I can now smell things that I couldn't before and, yes I'm out of the doghouse (well at least for that--------)<g>.