I occasionally ask my husband to help me wash my hair in the kitchen sink so I can hold a towel over my eye and not even let it get wet ... he's such a trooper. Nursing would have been a great profession for him!
I'm feeling better and better about waiting it out, especially with all the forum input. I was a Grade 3 three months ago, and I didn't even ask this last visit, but I know it's better. I've been extremely fortunate that my eye has kept its shape and not drooped, etc. I think even my surgeons were astounded. Still, the eye has been my biggest problem - cold blasts of air-conditioning in stores, cold air when opening freezer and cooler doors, heating, weather - even clerks having portable fans on themselves to keep cool through the hot East Texas heat. I know they wonder why I dodge them and why I wear big safety glasses, but anything to keep the eye happy! I know you all relate, and there is comfort in knowing that I'm not in this by myself. Again, I thank you all for sharing and wish everyone small successes each and every day.
Cheryl C