Author Topic: gold weight  (Read 4253 times)


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gold weight
« on: April 13, 2005, 06:35:32 am »
I am seeing my eye surgeon this week to discuss having a gold weight implanted in my eye. Has anyone had this done? Any specific questions I should be asking or things to be aware of prior to the procedure?


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Re: gold weight
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2005, 09:51:03 am »
I have a gold weight in my eye. I don't think it works all that great. I don't know if you have had it already put in, but I wouldn't. I had to get my surgery done in Nashville, and I live in NC. I go to another eye doc here at home. He doesn't like them either. They are not heavy enough to close your eye completely or keep it closed. And if it was heavy enough, he says, you couldn't open your eye. Plus, it's just another surgery to go thru. And I have to have it removed one day, which is another! There is no special cure for dry eye. I just keep putting in eye drops all day and gel at night. I just keep waiting for it all to return to normal.

Did you have it put in?


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Re: gold weight
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2005, 02:02:42 pm »
Placement and the correct size of weight are importent  As with all procedures chose someone that has done alot of these.  For my husband the good weight is a blessing and adds to his quality of life.
It isn't a cure all, but because of it he is able to do things that he couldn't without it.  He can open and close his eye at will, read, blink.  It also helps in the protection of the eye and cornea and hopefully will help to prevent additional  eye problems.

Placement of the weight is an out patient procedure, minimal swelling and discomfort.  For my husband it was a positive experience and the gains far outweigh the small surigical experience of placement.  Once placed it isn't noticeable to the general public.

Best to you
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Re: gold weight
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2005, 05:07:14 pm »
Within a few weeks after my surgery, i had a gold weight implanted. I feel it helped me very much, even though my eye would not close completely, i was able to keep alot of the wind off, and eventually was able to close it with practice. I still have the weight after a year, and will probably take it with me when i go. I had not planned on having it removed, doesn't seem to really bother me. I would say the gold weight was an A+++++.


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Re: gold weight
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2005, 10:22:09 am »
it's so great to hear this, I am doing it for quality of life, right now eye care is a full time job. I am a little nervous that it will change the look of my face, after 7 months it is finally regaining tone and looking symmetrical, I would hate for that to change now. thanks so much for the positive words, I needed them :)