Welcome, LB .....
In addition to taking a deep breath, let it all out very slowly, as well.
It is so normal to begin hyperventilating when you are first diagnosed ..... how well I can remember holding my breath, afraid to breathe, when first hearing the diagnosis.
As the others have already said, you have time to weigh your options. The really important thing is to find the most experienced medical professionals you can ...... and there are many now throughout the country so no need to travel thousands of miles away from family, unless you want to do that. Do your research (taking breathers frequently!) and then at some point in time, you will know what is right for you. This is your personal decision, no one should tell you you have to do just one certain thing.
As for being able to do the same things after surgery ..... this is a very individual thing, depending upon the severity of your symptoms beforehand, location & size of tumor at treatment, how well you respond to treatment (or post-op recovery), etc. We have had some very determined people on the Forum who have done amazing things relatively quickly post-op: paddleboarding, kayaking, marathon running, etc. It sounds like you are physically very active so you will probably have the motivation to do extremely well post-treatment.
Keep in touch and keep asking away!