Ok, so this is all very new to me and all of you have been so kind and have encouraged me to come here with any questions. Since my AN is 4mm I am told I have lots of time, this is good. I will be having another MRI in January and I can only hope and pray there is no change. I have come to one decision though, even if there is some change and there is growth, I think I may wait until the next 6 mon MRI to see what is happening with it. This will give me much more time to reseach and think on what I want to do. SO here are my questions.
What kind of recovery time am I looking at if I have surgery ( my Dr says middle fossa would be best for me)?
What kind of recovery am I looking at if I have GK or CK? (my husband is very opposed to me having this, he thinks I will have more problems with the radiation later in life)
Is it my imagination, some times I think I hear tinnus in my good ear?
How well do hearing aids work in the AN ear before surgery? ( would like to get them now)
Does any one get headaches related to a pre surgery AN?( am a migraine suffer and have had them since I was 11, but now I am getting head aches on the left side of my head, my AN is right. But I do not get the migraine auras and numbness with them. Only had this for about 1 year now.)
Thank you in advance for your answers to my questions.