Hi there, I had surgery on October 19th of this year. I did have some twitching of above my eyebrow off and on for a few days. And not any more since then. I would have to say that I should have been the poster child for this surgery done at Shands Teaching Hospital in Gainesville,Florida by Dr. Stephen Lewis. I have a surgery that was different than the 3 that are always mention here and was cut about 12 inches on the side of my head. BUT, I was in the hosptial for 4 days, driving around the neighbor 4 days after being home from the hosptial and walking a block several times a day during that first week home. That isn't the usual recovery for most patients. My tumor was 1.6 x .007 in size.
I would say that this, I would email your doctor or make an appointment with him and ask him these things. That way, you will know for sure and it will be one less worry off your mind.