Author Topic: Re'thinking nerve block  (Read 1216 times)


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Re'thinking nerve block
« on: December 17, 2009, 03:13:56 pm »
Hello again,
      I have just read many posts on nerve blocks and am wondering why put myself through the additional pain for a "bandaid". I was truly thinking this might be the cure for the nerve pain in the head which is constant. I have tried several different meds and this is the next step according to my Neurologist. I still cannot even touch my head or comb my hair without adding to the pain and I want to let someone stick a long needle into my neck ???  I  made it through a brain surgery 12 months ago, have been in severe pain ever since and the thought of additional pain to maybe ,get a little relief, for a temporary time just makes No sense to me.
   Please share some thoughts.


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Re: Re'thinking nerve block
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 07:23:49 pm »
I am going through the same types of pain and it is only 5 months since my surgery my neurosurgeon suggested 3 times a week light massage therapy, tens unit and hot and cold compresses. I have not started any of these because the thought of someone even lightly touching my head is a definitely out, my neurologist does not recommend just yet to continue with the injections that I was previously having done for cervical issues before my AN diagnosis. So now I am just continuing with many medications to get me through the day it only slightly takes the edge off. So I am at a loss as to what I should do I get conflicting opinions by different doctors... I hope you can find a solution to your pain and wish that I had more information for you regarding the nerve blocks...


Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.