Hi. I had a ~2.5cm AN removed on 4/7/2009. Afterward the surgery, I was deaf in my left ear, and had facial paralysis on my left side. I had extreme neck pain immediately following the surgery, and it came and went for about three weeks postop. There was a lull of about one month where I was more or less pain free, and then I started getting bouts of severe pain while sleeping. It happened at other times too, but more often than not, it was in the middle of the night. I tried changing my sleeping position, different pillows and just about everything I could think of to no avail. At five months out from the surgery, when I asked the surgeons, they didn't really offer much information at all about what was causing the pain. They just said it should go away....eventually.
Since then, I have been to see several doctors, and they all offer theories, and have suggested lots of medications to try, but have offered no real understanding of what happened. The neurologist suspects a neuroma of the occipital nerve, but it is just theory and he did not suggest any way to confirm anything. I had thought it was pain associated with the facial nerve healing process, but he said that is not possible. He also said I should not have had vision problems because of an acoustic neuroma, but that is what led me to get an MRI. I don't know whether he knows what he is talking about or not.
In any case, they put me on Lyrica, Opana ER, Savella, Oxcarbazepine, Tramadol, Hydrocodone, and Oxycodone in an effort to try to help with the pain. I am going to get a nerve block injection soon, to help resolve a pain I was having with the other side of my neck before even having the surgery. After that, they will work on doing something similar for the pain I get from the surgery.
The pain is hard to describe. It used to start right where they cut a hole in my skull, and then it would explode to where I could not move my neck in any direction, and my entire scalp hurt. This peaked in December of 2009, and then seemed to get better. I also noticed the hump at the site of the surgery reduced in size about the same time. I presume something was swollen and the swelling went down. I am left with a neck pain that is almost like a cramp, for lack of a better way to explain it. It doesn't feel like the muscle is cramping, but it feels like "something" gets "tight", and one wrong move sets off major pain. I had a cough last week, which really caused the pain to give me problems. Once it gets past the tightening phase, and something makes it start hurting, the best thing I can do it lie on a very hot heating pad, stay as still as I can manage, and try to relax all my body as much as possible. Pain killers do very little once the pain has kicked in, but seem to ward it off if I take them during the tightening phase.
In some ways, it seems like it is all getting better, but it always seemed to go through spells of pain and then would get relatively normal for a while. I can't figure out what is going on, which makes it hard to know of what I could be doing, if anything, to get past this pain. I go to an Orthopedist next week, but I don't know if they will have any ideas to get to the bottom of this, or will just start guessing again. Anyone have any insight into this sort of problem?