No you're not moaning, just venting. That's what we're here for. You have no control over the little (or big) booger near your brain, and what control you did have (surgery!) just got squashed. It's a business they run, unfortunately. We're the victims.
I know the feeling, somewhat.
I had my eye half stitched shut post op. Lived in Corpus Christi, TX at the time. Went to San Antonio for the surgery to
open the eye. Had a friend go with me, spent night at hotel, got childcare for the teen (husband was stationed in WA at the time).
Next morning, got a call-surgery canceled because they didn't have the "gold weight" in stock! Turns out they could have opened my eye anyway, and I could have gone back for the "gold weight" placement.
I was livid, spent a lot of money that day shopping with my friend, so turned out OK.

Oh and IHOP for breakfast with the works.
TWO subsequent surgeries (procedures really).
One to open the eye, and then another to put in gold weight.
Anyway do something for yourself. Pamper, pamper, pamper......
