hello to all who remember me and hi to those in this post that i dont know, but i can tell could use a bit of encouragement.
long time no me... i know, i know... sorry i have been rather swamped at home on maternity leave with my twin boys, now just over 6 months. they are doing great by the way, both are over 20lbs -yikes! and have made it through most of their first canadian winter without so much a bit of a runny nose. they are magical.
so i am now 20 months post surgery and doing great. mind you, i have been doing great in one way or another (most of the time) since surgery.
for those of you in the early (like first 6 months to 1 year) post surgery, hang in there with the face stuff. i know its rough - i have been there too - and the scariest thing is not knowing if it will fix, when, how well. i had pretty much nothing for 7 months, then little by little, it has started to come back, and continues to improve.
i would like to post some pics, as i know everyone loves to see pics and appreciates those kind and brave enough to share, esp the not-so-great ones. but first i have to pick out a few and figure out how to load them to the message (i have not done this before). my smile is pretty good, i can make it look fairly symmetrical both open and closed mouth, providing i dont try to smile too big, then it is more pronounced, but still a huge improvement over nothing. my left eye still does not close fully, or blink at all, but people dont really seem to notice the lack of blink so much because my eye does move now. the illusion of blinking? so i wear sunglasses or safety glasses outside and eye glasses inside, when i feel my eye needs some protection (around my 3 year old daughter and cooking over hot oil!!)". i never did get a eye weight as my eye looks symmetirical without one and imanage fine with drops. hmm... i am havig a terrible time wiith the botton of this email. will post and contine...... sorryyyyy