Hi guys
Sorry I haven't posted in a while ( still reading though!).
I had my 2 year check up in Manchester and although I havent had the actual regrowth size, the little blighter is still there.,attached to my carotid artery. It kind of freaked me out as I hadnt actually asked much about carotid artery and it's purpose.... and his words were ' well thats what keeps the brain alive' !!! AAAAHHHHHH not really calming but he assures me that the regrowth is not at a stage yet where we need to do anything.
What I wasn't expecting was that he suggested I get a BAHA.Of course I had never heard of this and he explained and then told me to go home and think about it and do a trial......still not sure what to do about that....any advice ??Does it really make you believe that you can hear in both ears? Maybe I have got used to the deafness and hearing might be weirder ??
So, also he thinks I need another vocal chord op to try and improve my voice, as the first op done here in Ireland hasn't helped that much. Again, not sure whether I should do this or not.... and finally, although important to me, he has suggested that I get a brow lift to try and give more symmetry to my face and improve the look of the facial paralysis. Has anyone had this done ? Of course, being a woman and wanting to look as normal as possible, I think I may try this surgey.......is that too vain, to want to get surgery for my face but not for my voice ?
I have been spending weeks trying to decide what to do but would love to hear from you guys, as its hard to get a real answer from family who just don't want me to have any more surgery.