That WAS me typing this am, post-op day one
Kathy couldn't get logged back in yesterday post-op, to update.
Whole head doesn't hurt, just incisional area, and it is improving.
Have started with a delayed onsets grade I/VI left facial palsy
So they think it is just from swelling, and not direct nerve injury.
I am on a dexamethasone steroid taper.
Interestingly, the first two doses were pushed fairly quickly, through my central line, and i puked both times.
Went from NO nausea to INSTA-nausea, puked twice, and then nausea completely disappeared, till next time.
Third and fourth doses ar oral, and causing no problems.
Lumbar drain out tomorrow, dressing off Sunday, and may be home by Monday, or certainly Tuesday
I am SO unbelievably tired, no sleeping pills allowed last night, so asto not interfere with near checks,
I WILL take an ambient tonight.
I feel so blessed and am so pleased with the outcome.
So impressed with my whole team, whose names i need to update,
AND SO GLAD i didn't gamma knife my facial nerve, which would have given me a VI/VI palsy, and scarred thing down so badly, that a later nerve graft would have probably been I possible.
Praying for some sleep.
Thanks all,
More tomorrow