Hi Friends ---
First of all, I want to thank everyone on this forum for all the help and kind words. I am on here everyday trying to get as much information that I can. I did get my packet of info -- such great information also.
I have a 2.7cm vestibulat schwannoma. My first appointment will be on Monday to see a Radiation Oncologist. The size is bothering me -- wondering if it is too big for that treatment. What have your experience been with the size of the tumor??
I lost 100% word recognition in my RIGHT ear, but since that time - March 3, 2010, I have regain a good part of that back. I have always had hearing loss in my left ear. My tumor is in my RIGHT ear. I feel more comfortable with people on my RIGHT side and I sleep on my LEFT side, because of the hearing that I have regained in my RIGHT ear.
MY GREATEST FEAR is --- lossing my hearing that I have now in my RIGHT ear. Did anyone experience hearing loss AFTER their CK treatment?? I have been reading that there is NO pain with the CK treatment. BUT ----- what are the surprises AFTER. When we talk AFTER --- do we mean the next week -- next month - next year??
Thank you for listening to me --- as you can see -- I have alot of questions -- need lots of help. Hope you can answer some of my questions.
Thanks again ---
Patt from Minnesota