A year ago today . . .
When we woke up this morning, we discussed how one would celebrate an ANniversary. What should we have for breakfast? If we are re-enacting the day, we would have no breakfast and wake up in 9 hours extremely dehydrated begging for ice chips and have to wait for the night nurse who was more lenient and gave me all the ice chips and lemon ice I wanted which made my stomach a bit uneasy. Then we'd have powdered eggs the following morning and lose them almost immediately. So, we decided to just have oatmeal instead.
At this point I would assess my recovery as speedy (Thank you, Steroids!) and uncomplicated (Thank you, Surgeons!). My outcome was not the best I could have hoped for, but I'll sure take it.
I am left with some facial weakness, meaning a bit of asymmetry, AN eye won't open all the way, smile is a bit lopsided if I try hard enough.
The entire AN half of my head has superficial numbness.
I have a sweet metallic taste on the AN side of my tongue.
My speech can get a tad gummed up due to numbness of tongue and cheek.
SSD and tinnitus, of course. Both seem a bit worse then pre-op.
Balance was not a noticeable problem pre-op and remains insignificant. Any falls are due to osteo and inflammatory arthritis.
The dent behind my ear which I denied having until I searched closer to my ear seems to be significant. My ear which was sticking out to my horror post-op is now sucked into my head to my even greater horror. It has become increasingly difficult to put my glasses on or to put my hair behind my ear. If I look at my face straight on in the mirror when my hair is wet, I can't see my AN ear. I read a thread way back about someone who had this problem and mentioned it to his or her surgeon who just said, "That happens." I was in shock! But fortunately, that was not my situation. Ha! Guess what. So, the question is how much farther will my fat shrink?
My three-month follow-up appointment was canceled twice, and my annual one was canceled once so far. I haven't been asked to have an annual MRI, although I know I'm supposed to. I think I'll just write a letter to explain my symptoms and concerns. I had an appointment with a facial doctor (not sure what that's called) but canceled it when McKenna canceled (The drive is too far not to have at least two things to do.).
The next goal is to acquire a Sound Bite.
Life is good.