Greetings all,
Three months out, I am now released to return to work tomorrow.. Finally. Even though I will be going in late and leaving early for a few weeks, it is relief to get the okay. I've got some challenges ahead though. I went to first meeting of the governor's workforce commission last week since I am staffing one of the workgroups and was all but overwhelmed by the chaos during both pre- and post-meeting activities. Something I will have to keep in mind..
My balance therapy is very well. The therapist of the day always finds new ways to delight and challenge my balance system. But, I also seem to improve session to session.
Eating still requires focus and eliminating some foods because of my lack of saliva most of the time, decreases swallowing ability, and easily irritated vocal cords. Popcorn will send me into paroxysms of coughing. Multi-tasking and eating are not a good combination.
I am still anemic, but that is improving. Also improving is the facial movement. Voluntary movement started 4 weeks ago and continues to strengthen. Eye problems are still with me. Doc says my cornea looks "beat up and pretty crappy" so we are watching it carefully and may take stronger action next month.
Yes, some problems. But I have walked up to seven miles at a time, I'm driving well, and I am back to work.
Another MRI in two months and perhaps a plan for radiation therapy. We'll see...nothing I didn't expect might be the case.
Life is good.