Author Topic: Postie Debriefing  (Read 4132 times)


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Postie Debriefing
« on: May 06, 2010, 03:54:49 am »
Postie Debriefing - Surgery 4/23 at Massachusetts General Hospital with Dr.s Barker and McKenna - full removal of left-sided 3.2 cm X 2.2 cm Acoustic Neuroma

Best things:
Cut hair: I buzz cut my hair (my hairdresser did).  It was SOOO worth it. I felt clean and comfortable and cool the whole time.  I never worried about my hair.  I felt like it looked good and now that I’m out and about I like wearing cute scarves and continue growing it out to about Jamie Lee Curtis’ length.

Buy scrubs: I bought a mismatch of clearance scrubs to wear as pajamas. They are clean, light, easy to wear and wash and mix and match and of course CHEAP

Denial: Stay in some denial about how difficult this surgery is.  I read up everything I could on these sites and still saw mostly the positive.  For me, this surgery was a must because of the size and impairment the tumor was causing so I found it very helpful not to be aware that I would feel hit by a mack truck afterwards, plus, you heal out of there pretty quickly.  I am unhappy with how I feel physically, but feel great emotionally about being tumor-free and having a brain all to myself now.

Process different roles:
My wife and I have three growing children and a household to take care of and never does just one person have to do it all so entirely like now.  We try to talk a lot about how little I can do and what she needs from others to help her do what needs to be done.  We also talk about how useless and guilty I feel by not being able to do the things that I normally do in the household for the family

Lots of childcare:
The children are school-aged so 9 to 3 is taken care of, but then we also added after-school care for 5 days a week which we don’t normally do and have friends taking them for the whole weekends the first two weekends.  This has helped incredibly.  The kids are around stable people and are being kept entertained.  After those times, we plan to do some slower activities like movies and such that I can join in or even go to friends’ houses so the kids can be near me and friends.

Strange thing: Delusions of fur - IN the first few days when I would close my eyes I would feel surrounded by a great sphere of just plain pulsating fur like I was lying next to a wild, but sleeping bear.  I had trauma and violence feelings, feelings of euphoria and body wholeness.  I would often fall into restless sleep which seemed torn by violence and trauma and falling.  I just let these dreams come and go and they went away in a week or so.

Hardest thing is to eat: I have (temporary) left-sided facial weakness so I can’t open my mouth much and I don’t feel like I have a lot of control over that side of my face.  It makes eating difficult and frustrating and hardly worth it.  I eat a little for each meal and I try make sure it has good protein and nutrients since I eat little.

Day one surgery: I remember little other waking up.  I have excruciating pain and discomfort all day.  I was so incredibly thirsty when I got out of surgery. I just wanted to drink. I just wanted to stay unconscious and drink. Whenever I closed my eyes I saw a huge spherical shape in front of me and some kind of nap like fur or hair or towel but it was very weird and it would ripple and move around like it was on something live. It sort of seems like my brain is working to take over the real estate left open by the brain tumor

I'm also having odd and violent dreams. Again it seems a response to my brain dealing with the trauma. I've been taking the ARNICA 30g and delving a bit into the violence and intensity of the dreams

Day two in ICU: I’m hooked up to apparatus and doing nothing on my own. Pain is  at 10.  The nurses are trying to help mitigate pain and help improve independence. Extremely thirsty. Wanted to drink intensively. Then had to relearn to pee. I  didn't realize  it'd be tough after being catheterized. Had to stray catheter twice then success. Feel very self-empowered, ingesting fluids and peeing independently. Moved to regular unit late at night. Everything is turned -180 degrees on its head when I open my eyes.

Day three in  regular room: Still out of it, sleeping often, but in short spurts. No thanks to intrusive muses wanting to make sure I stay alive and am healthy. Day and night is one big mess of time. Time sensation is completely out of whack. Delusions and disconnected, violent dreams remain.

Day 4 (Monday): doing well, eating, drinking, pooping, sleeping, taking medications, doing PT, unable to cope with external stimuli.

Day 5 (Tuesday): Docs talk of me going home, but I am too tired.  I mostly sleep during the day and the PT says she wants to see me the next day before letting me go

Day 6 (Wednesday): I want to keep my eyes closed, but I showered and I'm waiting to go home. My biggest problem is stomach nausea so I don't want to take my medication right now to give my tummy time to calm down some.

Day 7 and further - Some days are better, some are worse.  Some days I feel like I can’t lift open an eyelid and other days I have to keep myself from taking a long walk (I tried that on day Day 9 or so and suffered a great fall back, so I’m trying to stick to frequent short walks, like to my basement, etc.
3.2 cm X 2.3 cm AN diagnosed 2/5/2010
Surgery 4/23/2010
Second surgery for infection 5/11/2010
Dr. McKenna and Dr. Barker at MGH
Back to pre-tumor functioning 1/2012


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2010, 05:49:30 am »
Thanks on the update, but I want to note for the newbies out there and others who are still watch & wait that everyone's AN treatment experience is unique.

For example, while you mention lots of pain, I had no pain whatsoever - never took any meds for that.  I didn't have delusions or violent dreams.  Trouble urinating is another thing I didn't encounter.  

I hope your recovery goes smoothly.  Get lots of rest and don't overdo it.  You'll find that you'll feel more like yourself as time goes on.

« Last Edit: May 06, 2010, 07:06:17 am by leapyrtwins »
Retrosig 5/31/07 Drs. Battista & Kazan (Hinsdale, Illinois)
Left AN 3.0 cm (1.5 cm @ diagnosis 6 wks prior) SSD. BAHA implant 3/4/08 (Dr. Battista) Divino 6/4/08  BP100 4/2010 BAHA 5 8/2015

I don't actually "make" trouble..just kind of attract it, fine tune it, and apply it in new and exciting ways


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2010, 06:50:14 am »
Hi Aileen,
  I hope things are continuing to improve for you.  If they had you on Steriods, that would explain the weird dreams, they do a number on your ability to sleep.  Try to get your rest, and know that things will improve quickly.
1.5 X 1.0 cm AN- left side
Retrosigmoid 2/9/06
Duke Univ. Hospital

GrogMeister of the PBW

Cheryl R

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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2010, 06:52:18 am »
I will add that I had hallucinations only once before was fully awake and then that was it.   That had to be a weird feeling to have such delusions.         I also had very little pain.    A pain pill took care of it when I did.     I also personally was never dizzy.      So to those it have not had surgery, please know how you will feel does vary.             With surgery no 2, I had surgery on Thurs and sat am was in pjs visiting with several family members to their surprise.     I did have some crappy, not feel good later in the day and nap time but was not all the time.    I was always super sleepy and took alot to wake up with mid fossas but not the translab.    
   Today I am off to take a good friend for her total hip but her time has been moved back a bit so we had no early am trip to the hospital.                                             Cheryl R
Right mid fossa 11-01-01
  left tumor found 5-03,so have NF2
  trans lab for right facial nerve tumor
  with nerve graft 3-23-06
   CSF leak revision surgery 4-07-06
   left mid fossa 4-17-08
   near deaf on left before surgery
   with hearing much improved .
    Univ of Iowa for all care


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2010, 09:01:11 am »
I want to note for the newbies out there and others who are still watch & wait that everyone's AN treatment experience is unique.

And as we like to say on the forum, the first three days don't count. :)

Best wishes for a speedy recover, Aileen.

8 mm left AN June 2007,  CK at Stanford Sept 2007.
Hearing lasted a while, but left side is deaf now.
Right side is weak too. Life is quiet.


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2010, 10:31:37 am »
Welcome to postie land! 
I also had strange sensations even when awake, but I think it was all the drugs.  I also had lost of nausea and pain, but although there is no normal this does sound like a pretty typical experience, less the dreams. Hopefully they are subsiding or becoming more pleasant.  Take care and just relax and let the healing happen...if you over do it you can send yourself in the wrong direction, don't forget to listen to your body.

Good to know you were happy with your decision to have your hair shaved, I'm sure it was so much easier than trying to deal with a half shaven head.  Sometimes I wish I had the courage to chop all mine off, because the freedom would be blowdryer!  That would be the best part...someday perhaps!

I'm so happy you are on the other side and seeming to do well so far, let us know how things are progressing.
Take Care,
Left AN 2.5CM,retrosigmoid 11/2008, second surgery to repair CSF leak. 
Headaches began immediately.  Dr. Ducic occipital nerve resection, December 2011!!!!!

"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on"
-Franklin D. Roosevelt

Jim Scott

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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2010, 03:26:18 pm »
Aileen ~

Thanks for that comprehensive and informative account of your AN surgery experience.  I'm sure it will aid others facing AN surgery by explaining what to expect, although, as Jan correctly indicated, every AN surgery patients experience is unique.  However, one thing is fairly uniform: the first 3 days post-op are usually a blur (I slept most of the time) so, as Steve noted 'they don't count'.  Now, at almost 2 weeks post-op, things should begin to jell for you as you learn how to pace your recuperation.  I'm confident that you'll do well and I'll look for your next update. 

4.5 cm AN diagnosed 5/06.  Retrosigmoid surgery 6/06.  Follow-up FSR completed 10/06.  Tumor shrinkage & necrosis noted on last MRI.  Life is good. 

Life is not the way it's supposed to be. It's the way it is.  The way we cope with it is what makes the difference.


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2010, 06:41:49 pm »
Congrats!Welcome to postie land!
Stay well hydrated and rest as needed.
I remeber waking up very thirsty too......just allowed ice chips....something to do w/ the anestisia.
2cm removed retrosig 6/26/08
DartmouthHitchcock medical center lebanon,N.H.
43yrs old


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #8 on: May 06, 2010, 11:28:44 pm »
Welcome to postie land!!! Thank you for sharing your experiences with was stuff like that that helped me as I was exploring my options so when I went in for my own surgery I knew basically what to expect.  It is quite a ride, isn't it? As it was said, take care and do overdo it!! Listen to the body, if you need to sleep do it! Take care of yourself!
8.1mm x 7.8mm x 8.2mm AN, Left Ear, Middle Fossa surgery performed on 12/9/09 at House by Drs. Brackmann/Schwartz. Some hearing left, but got BAHA 2/25/11 (Ponto Pro) To see how I did through my Middle Fossa surgery, click here:


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2010, 09:27:05 am »
Thanks for posting. You sound just like a patient who just had AN brain surgery!
The hallucinations were interesting. Combo of the anesthesia, "sleeping pills", whatever. I remember vivid nightmares after they gave me a "sleeping pill" which turned out to be ambien. Dangerous stuff.

Keep it slow and steady. Your 7 day progress is great. I don't think I was doing much at that point other than trying to survive and just walk/drink/sleep.

Give yourself 6 weeks at least. As you have noticed the good days may result in a not so good day. Just takes the body time, so be pampered as much as possible while you have the excuse!

Best wishes for continued slow easy healing :)
06/06-Translab 3x2.5 vascular L AN- MAMC,Tacoma WA
Facial nerve cut,reanastomosed.Tarsorrhaphy
11/06. Gold weight,tarsorrhaphy reversed
01/08- nerve transposition-(12/7) UW Hospital, Seattle
5/13/10 Gracilis flap surgery UW for smile restoration :)
11/10/10 BAHA 2/23/11 brow lift/canthoplasty

Mei Mei

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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #10 on: May 09, 2010, 07:33:18 pm »
Congratulations! and welcome to the world of the Posties.   You've made it, now rest well and take baby steps and listen to your body and rest....don't overdo when you start to feel better.
Mei Mei
1 cm Tumor RetrosigmoidSurgery on Jan 12 at Johns Hopkins
Drs. Niparko and Tamargo
35dB loss pre surgery and now SSD
Post surgical Headaches and Tinnitus
Dr Ducic Georgetown Excision Surgery May 2011
Dr. Schwartz GW  Titanium Mesh  March 2012
Drs Kalhorn/Baker, Georgetown Removal of Titanium Mesh


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Re: Postie Debriefing
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2010, 08:54:05 am »
Just take it nice and slow it does get better...

Best Wishes,

Diagnosed with a 1 cm. AN had Retrosigmoid
Approach surgery July of 2009, several problems after surgery.