Thanks for the kind welcome.
My recovery is going much, much, better than I expected. I, fortunately or unfortunately, don't have any horror stories yet and hopefully won't. My docs are amazed at how fast I have responded and am able to get aroud with almost a normal gait. I do get tired rapidly and am still relying on my afternoon nap to get me through and having the grandkids around wears me out really fast. All in all I feel great considering. We've had some good laughs when the doc said it took 3-1/2 hours to drill through the bone (a lot of "I knew you were a hardhead" comments), and then when they took some belly fat to fill the hole (a lot of fathead comments ensued at that point) and so on. Actually, very little pain, more from the stomach incision than anything else and an increase in tinnitus, and a loss of the ability to taste are the only real side effects I've noticed so far. Still a long, long, way to go though.
New England in the summer sounds fantastic!!! I'll keep it in mind...I'll even buy the second round.