There are many methods, but here is one easy way:
1. go to:
http://www.imagevenue.com2. Click one of the browse buttons and select the picture on your computer that you want to share (you can upload multiple pictures if you want)
3. Click send files
4. Once your pictures have finished uploading, it will give you a few options on how to post your picture in you message. Copy and paste the text in the box under "Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on a Forum or Message Board Use the second link if this one fails." into your message. That will place a thumbnail (a small version of the picture) in your message. When a person clicks on the thumbnail it will take them to the picture.
***Please note that on very large pictures, it will often resize the picture to fit the screen (after you have clicked the thumbail). Just click on the image to view it in it's full size.***