Not sure where to post this but here goes. I'm nine days post op and feel pretty good. I remember having a HUGE panic attack in the ICU, I'm prone to anxiety problems in the first place so it wasn't a surprise. But the nurses for some reason felt they had to whisper and they were standing to my right, my AN was on my right and I lost all the hearing in that ear. So I couldn't hear them, they couldn't understand me and I remember saying over and over that I was having a panic attack, but because of the oxy mask they couldn't understand me. Thankfully my mom was there and she translated, the head nurse eventually got me to breath deeply and then they gave me a sedative. I don't really remember much, some nausea, but nothing like what I was expecting. From what they told me I thought it was going to be like five days of just being sea sick and not being able to do anything about it. I was sick in the ICU and a bit once we got to the main room but after that nothing. The only balance thing I really have is I feel like the world is tilted to the left, like if I put a glass or something on a table it's going to slide off. It gets better randomly and then worse randomly, it isn't consistent, today was less tilted. Has anyone experience this? The world being tilted I mean, I guess I'm sort of getting used to it but it would be nice to know if it's going to go away.