Don't want to step on toes here, but it is actually the 7th cranial nerve called the facial nerve that can cause these symptoms (versus trigeminal 5th nerve). Here is some info on cranial nerves: 7th Cranial Nerve (Cranial Nerve VII)
Facial Muscles Supplied By the 7th Cranial Nerve Muscle Function Epicranius(Occipitofrontalis) Raises eyebrows, wrinkles forehead horizontally
Corrugator Supercilii Wrinkles forehead vertically
Orbicularis Oculi Closes eye
Orbicularis Oris Draws lips together
Zygomaticus Major Elevates angle of the mouth (laughing)
Buccinator Permits smiling; blowing / pursing of the lips
Hearing structures innervated by the 7th Cranial nerve:
tapedius muscle - the function of this muscle is to tension the bones of the middle ear
Sensory functions innervated by the 7th Cranial nerve:
Anterior two thirds of the tongue - taste
Parasympathetic functions innervated by the 7th Cranial nerve:
Salivary and lacrimal glands - salivation and lacrimation (saliva and tearing of the eye)
Did you get any of the brochures from Acoustic Neuroma Association? In one of those it discusses the 7th facial nerve very well and how it 'branches' off into tiny fiber areas that can affect the saliva glands, tongue, lacrimal gland (tear duct for eye), nose, facial movement....hope this helps.