Author Topic: How much did you have to pay for your Baja implant Processor?  (Read 3867 times)

jan pentecost

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My insurance is telling me they will pay for the implantation process....but not the hearing device. Doesn't make sense to me. I am hearing it will cost me $8600 out of pocket for the implant....does that sound right???? I have my surgery this Tuesday!!!
Thank you

1.7 cm Left Side
May 3, 2005
Dr. R. Sterling Hodgson
Legacy Emaunuel Hospital
Portland, Oregon


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Re: How much did you have to pay for your Baja implant Processor?
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2005, 10:44:16 am »
I've had the same problem. My ins. co paid for the implant, but has denied the device. Now, why would anybody in their right mind have screws put in their skulls if they thought the ins wouldn't pay for all of it? I was only the second BAHA the dr had done, and the same ins co paid for all of the first patient's, but has refused to pay for my device. Anyway, my dr is working w/the ins co and the manufacturer to see what can be done. My surgery was paid for, but the device is $2500.00.  My dr tells me that it costs about $10,000 w/o ins coverage. What ever happens, if you I do have to pay for the device, it is worth it. It has greatly improved my quality of life. I'd forgotten what I was missing. I love sticking my finger in my good ear just to hear sounds in my deaf ear! Best wishes.


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Re: How much did you have to pay for your Baja implant Processor?
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2005, 09:53:42 pm »
The implant was covered by my insurance, the bill from the hospital was $16,324.00, with the insurance discount my insurance paid $4,275.92 and I paid $475.08 (the insurance discount was $11,573.00, amazing huh!!!) I am not sure how much my surgeon bill was because I cannot find it. My sound processor cost $3,200 and that was not covered by my insurance so that was all out of pocket expense.  If I had it to do over again I would definately do it again, it is well worth the cost, it has changed my life.
