Author Topic: 4 years post GK and I am hearing a intermittent tone//added information  (Read 1805 times)


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I had Gamma Knife in November 2006 and have been doing well.  The tumor had orginally swelled from 1.7cm to 2cm after the proceedure and is now at 1.6cm and not growing.  I just recently started hearing a tone like the sound of a tuning fork in my AN ear.  At first I thought it was my hearing aid.  I have lost 50% hearing in the AN ear and I have a hearing aid that has really been wonderful.   I am hearing this tone for the last  2 weeks now with or without the hearing aid.  It has been intermittent but it is becoming worrisome.  Has anyone else experienced this?  

I wanted to mention that this tone what sounds like a tuning fork sound lasts for about 3 seconds.
I already experience tinnitus, so this is in top of that.

« Last Edit: July 08, 2010, 01:48:04 pm by sewnice50 »


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I have a similar tone although mine is particularly high pitched.  It is very infrequent and happened with the same frequency before my GK last year as it has since.  Have you asked your dr. about it? Good luck, I hope it's just one of those quirky AN postie things.

All the best,
Left side AN 2.5x1.7x1.5cm, limited hearing loss, limited tin., good balance
GK 7/6/09 Hoag Hospital; MRIs at 2, 6 & 12 months show no change in tumor size - hearing etc. same as before GK.


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Thank you so much for responding.  I am glad to know I am not the only one. 
I called my doctor and he said wait and see what happens.  it’s been happening less lately.  One of those odd things I guess.
I have also had cortisone oral an injections lately for my back and knee.  maybe that has something to do with it??
Have a wonderful day.