I agree with Cheryl - don't use electrical stim for AN related nerve damage. It's used quite successfully for treatment of Bell's Palsy and Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, but the mechanism of injury in those conditions is much different than the physical injury that can happen from a tumor or surgery. It's much easier to learn to be patient and wait for spontaneous healing of the nerve than it is to correct the synkinesis that is more likely to develop after using electrical stim.
I can understand your PT's confusion on this (because I'm a PT and they don't teach you about AN's in school), but I would not let anyone talk you into using it without doing a lot of research first.
As far as massage, I don't think you'll do any damage that way, as long as it's gentle, so I'd say if it makes you feel better, then give it a whirl. If it hurts, then I probably wouldn't do it.
AN's have a way of teaching us to be patient, if nothing else!