I'm not a nurse but a police officer. I get the long shifts for sure. When I left for surgery on Jun 30th I told my boss expect me to be off 3-6 months. I had surgery on July 6th, and I feel fabulous. BUT--I will not be going back until October. I promised myself. It's easy to say I feel fabulous right now, but I am at home all day. My kids let me sleep until 8-830, I send them off to the sitters around 1030-11, then I work out, sit down for lunch at 1-1:30 and then maybe do a project until 4-430 when I go back and get my kids. I then make them dinner and we hang out til 8-830 when they go to bed.
So as you see, I sit a lot, I'm not on the go, no stress, no decision making, none of that. I believe that I really need that time to recuperate. To rest and to get ready to go back.
I'm sure I could go back, but I'd be tired, and I'd regret it.
I hope that helps. It's hard to explain to people who are looking at you thinking, 'she looks pretty darn good for a girl who had brain surgery'. You know they're thinkin' it, I know they're thinkin' it. I just use the above story to demonstrate it.