Author Topic: Panic attacks  (Read 25665 times)


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Re: Panic attacks
« Reply #45 on: August 05, 2010, 09:27:18 am »
My surgery was several years ago now.   I had flash backs and panic attacks.   I could not get into an elevator, I could not stand for the door of my BR to be closed.  I did not want to see anyone but family.  I am much better now.   I still avoid crowds and get nervous easily.   I think that we all are affected by the surgery in different ways and it is good that we have this forum to discuss issues so that we know we are not alone and understand what is not normal for some is very normal for us.


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Re: Panic attacks
« Reply #46 on: August 22, 2010, 01:04:02 pm »
Dear folks,

I am 2 weeks post-cyberknife and so relieved to have found this discussion.  I'm having a hard time with having a head time.  I don't have hugely troubling physical symptoms (some hearing loss, some tinnitus, some imbalance, some facial numbness) so I have a hard time understanding why I am so prone to fatigue and anxiety.

having a hard time cutting myself any slack.... 

Not much else to say, other than being grateful to have found this forum (via the ANA Facebook page) -- just seeing the topic "cognitive and emotional issues" was such a relief!!!!

Thank you all.



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Re: Panic attacks
« Reply #47 on: August 22, 2010, 01:27:15 pm »
Hi, Dale.  Welcome to the forum.  I wish you could cut yourself a lot of slack.  You have a brain tumor and just went through a major procedure to attempt to get rid of it.  I haven't gone through radiation myself, but the fatigue doesn't surprise myself as a potential result.  And the anxiety is totally understandable!  There are so many worries when one has a tumor and is undergoing a treatment for it.  Give yourself a break and lots of TLC.  And use the forums. You're among people who understand what you're going through.  --Carol Ann
Original 1.75cm left-side AN diagnosed Feb 2010
Translab surgery May 27, 2010 with Drs. Kartush and Pieper of MEI
SSD on left side, some facial weakness, tear duct doesn't work
Found I actually had a facial neuroma during translab
Remaining 6mm facial neuroma - watch and wait