Or starter, I completely ditto what Kenneth posted above me!!
I see you are new to this site, looks like you've only posted the 2 times..??..?? Want to welcome you to the forum and tell you this is a great place to be for mulitple reasons. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask or use the search above to help find previous posts for topics you may be looking for
Your story, well I feel a bit speechless and just say "wow, how scary" and SO glad you made the decision to head into the ER!! I know some people may get disappointed on what the doctor says over the phone, but it is SO hard to even attempt to give proper diagnosis over the phone because if they can't see exactly what it is, then who knows. Like your doctor may have just thought you had some normal post op swelling, where as you maybe had more of the edema & collected in one area. Anyways, glad you went with your feelings and made sure to get it checked out.
I want to wish you the Best during this time and for the future. It can be a struggle at times and things can't be predicted as to what might happen, that can just times seem frustrating...but one of the things in life.
Take care & hope you are feeling better!!