I am scheduled for gamma knife on Tuesday, September 21, I met with the radiation/oncologist on Monday, he stated that I was to be there at 7am, he informed me that the head frame is not a pleasant experience, but very doable........I am going to mention I am very nervous. I was happy to hear that I could wear street clothes......lol......strange thing to worry about, "hate those gowns that open in the back......lol" He just mentioned nothing tight, and short sleeves, I guess for the IV. He was very nice and informative........now just waiting............any little tid bits of information for this procedure will be greatly appreciated. I am not normally claustraphobic, but I notice I do panic sometimes when I think too much about what is going to be done. Normal for most people I assume. I understand that this may not shrink, but will hopefully stop growing it's 1.9 x 1.8 x 1.6 and most of it is not in the IAC, touching the brain stem, but my hearing is pretty bad in that ear, they said a hearing aid will not help......I guess that means BAHA......still researching. Thanks for all the information it has helped greatly.