We will be here praying for you today and up to the day of your surgery. Jan is right, it will be much easier at first on you then your family. I finally asked my husband just the other day what they went through during my 7 hour surgery. My surgery was 5 months ago. I guess in my heart I knew what it must have been like, I just didn't really want to hear him say it. He said the worse was seeing me in the ICU the first night after surgery. The "nut" cup and all strapped to my head. The wonderful comb over was so attractive. They did a wonderful job shaving just enough to do the surgery. It's growing back in now, short and stubby.
I remember the pre op area, the nurse was awesome, sweetest girl ever. Lots of people coming in and out like the others already said. I didn't get anything to take before surgery, they just wheeled me in and basically stuck the mask over my face and I only counted to 5 and then gone. I only slightly remember waking 5 or 6 times in recovery. They would always ask if I felt any nausea, I always said yes, to get the meds. I did not want to get sick for no way in the world. I also told them before hand I get sick easily, they gave me extra meds to not get sick, I didn't. They would also constantly ask you what your pain level is, be totally honest, stay on top of it, don't try to be strong, take the meds when you can.
Once you get to ICU they will treat you like a queen. They will come in every hour to check all your vitals, strength, give meds, etc. My husband did stay the first night, I love him for that. He just couldn't leave me. So sweet.
By the next day, the cup was off, I was off the oxygen, still had the cather though. I was refusing to get up
I'm stubborn that way. The first walk wasn't as bad as I thought, I already had no balance, so I wasn't really affected that much.
Do try and get up to walk when they ask. When I finally started getting up, the cather came out, and I went home in 5 days.
Don't worry about the not sleeping right now, I was the same way. I got up at 3:30 the morning of surgery and just stayed awake. We had to be there at 5:30. I showered and then woke up my husband and we were out the door. Don't take much, I never even got out of my gown, I did use my robe and socks though. I slept pretty much through every visitor, don't feel quilty, you won't be able to keep your eyes open once they drug you.
I think you will do great, you do have a small AN, you will do great!!!!!
I hope I didn't bore you or scare you, I just know everyone was so helpful before mine, I'm just trying to help someone else now.
Good luck and you can vent here anytime. We will be here to cheer you on!!!