Hi, Liz! When House receives your MRI pics, they do hand it to the next doc in the rotation, from what I understand. However, you can definitely request that a particular doctor review them, if you'd like. Just put that doc's name on your package. I sent mine out there without a specific doc's name. However, a couple of days after I sent it, I spoke w/ someone locally who had a relationship w/ Dr. Friedman and upon their suggestion, I requested that he review my MRI. He was on vacation at the time, so couldn't review them for a week or so, but one of the other docs actually did call me immediately. I did go w/ Friedman, however, after talking w/ him - just clicked and felt right for me. As is normal with House patients, I didn't meet him until pre-op the day before surgery. Whether you are just using them as a consult, or ultimately do choose to go out there for treatment, you will be in good hands.
Keep us updated on your decision - we know it's very tough, but you will know when you've made the right one!
P.S. My sister lives in Austin! If I'm ever out that way, I'll shout "hello" to you