Well, no one was there to take pictures or save locks of hair, but it was certainly a milestone for this gal! My first trip to the salon since March, after the chemo hair loss program!!!
I still am nursing that dang wound on the back of my head, but according to my wound care specialist last week - he is very optimistic. I am using a dressing that is made of seaweed and silver and it does seem to be making a difference. At least I was able to remove the dressing for the haircut - thank goodness for my stylist who has navigated the landmine on my head several times pre-chemo!!! I gave him a huge tip for going over and above the call of duty!!!
I have found 3-inch headbands in many different colors - hides and holds the wound dressing beautifully, yet proudly displays the comeback of my hair....quite the vision, I'll tell ya!
Just had to share with my AN friends!!! I know many of you can relate to hair issues, and we ALL know how important it is to celebrate all milestones big and small.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!