Author Topic: new to the AN world!  (Read 6174 times)


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Re: new to the AN world!
« Reply #15 on: December 11, 2010, 06:52:03 pm »
Hi Mandy,

Just read you post and others who have just finished surgery and are having problems. Surprised that no one has suggested Skull Base Institute - Dr Shahanian and his endoscopic procedure.
You need to know all the options,


Hello to every one here, I am grateful to know I am not alone but sad to know how many are here and why.
I was diagnosed Oct.15th of this year after 8 months of being told I had allergies and to just take my nasal spray and go home, well I threw the nasal spray away, it way only masking the problem, so I done a detox, avoiding all foods that may cause a reaction of any type, I am on no meds and never have been, so this was just way to unacceptable, some dr.s just want you on meds and that's that, well I found a new dr. in Oct. he sent me to the ENT, who done a hearing test the same day and sent me for the MRI, I knew with in a week that the allergies were in fact a tumor, (i guess in a sense it is an allergy, I am allergic to this and want it gone ;) )

anyway I am scheduled to see the surgeon on Nov.30th, I have been on the call list, but still waiting, the symptoms have become more noticeable in the last 2 weeks with other things popping up, is it just because I know now? or am I really having more symptoms?

I have trouble sleeping, I can't lay on the AN side it hurts and my face gets all tingly, and when I lay on the left side I can't hear, I know I need to get use to that part and soon, and to lay on my back I feel as tho I am choking, I have found I can sleep sitting up and the recliner will be my home for awhile, my eyes have been getting gradually worse, even with my glasses my vision is blurred, and the stumbling is getting worse as well, I am very active so I have been making myself walk more to help with my balance, I am using my eyes more which makes them very watery and I get head aches from that, I also have been having more headaches at the base of my head and behind my ear where the arm of my glasses lay, and I have become forgetful, which could just be I am thinking to much  :-\ ok I have done way to much crying, but it feels good to just let it out.........................."THANK YOU"