Jim Scott here, just checking in on my first day home from the hospital.
I had my 4.5 cc AN removed on the morning of June 7th by a team of surgeons lead by Dr. Issac Goodrich at the Hospital of Saint Raphael in New Haven, CT...an excellent medical facility often eclipsed by the better-known Yale University hospital in New Haven.
I went in healthy and positive and emerged the same way, with over 90% of the tumor now gone. Dr. Goodrich will remove the reminder by radiosurgery in the fall "when things have settled down", as Dr. Goodrich put it. Works for me.
The actual surgury was about 8 hours (O.K., 7.5 according to my wife) and I was in the ICU for four days (too long). One day on the ward and they allowed me to leave the hospital today, Monday, June 12th. I'Ve been home about 5 hours and just wanted to post a follow-up , as I know many do not seem to bother once surgery is over.
I'm good: no headaches, no facial problems and I pray that will remain the case. The surgeons made every possible attempt to avoid touching any nerves and used a special physician to monitor that function of the surgery. My eyesight isn't 100% as yet so this post is taking some effort but I'm basically tumor-free and 'IT'S OVER!" Now, home again, I just want to recover my 'normal' life, just as every other AN patient does. I'm doing well at home and wish every AN patient, pre or post-op, the same positive results!