Pattycake--nerve blocks are really nothing to fear--they only hurt for a few seconds and you can ask for a few Xanax or something which really takes the edge off. Mine involved 2 injections in the occipital area. The best place to go for them is a reputable pain clinic. I had them for a year and it was the first year I actually got any relief. I can't believe I waited 4 years to get them--had huge deductible which was a big factor. I quit them in favor of Botox, which involves a lot more injections--around 15 or 16. You get used to it knowing that this 5 minutes of mild torture helps get your life back.
If the nerve blocks work, you may be a candidate for a radiofrequency nerve ablation, which puts the offending nerve to sleep for a really long time, sometimes permanently. My pain doc is currently working on my back and when the Botox wears off--will start on the head pain.
Capt Deb