Author Topic: Today is a good day for Karla  (Read 2109 times)


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Today is a good day for Karla
« on: June 08, 2006, 04:56:29 pm »
Hi Everyone,

Thought that I would take advantage of a good day to send my love to all. I am doing really quite well other than I feeling exhausted all the time and getting even tired after just a short bit of work. I have to remind myself that even though I feel like I want to do everything that my body still needs some time to recover. It makes me kind of ornery some of the time as I am sure that Andrea has shared.

My eyes seem to be the one thing that is lagging behind in recovery. I get headaches or nausea if I try to work on the computor or read for any extended period of time. The other thing that is really weird is the bouts of sweats....use the mini fan you all sent quite often. I still have numbness on the left side of my tongue, lips and temple but I understand that will go away. Balance is coming along really quite well other than when it is dark or I am really tired.

Now that I have whined about all the things that are bothering me, let me talk about all my blessings for a second. First of all, my kids. I am so blessed to have the children that I have and all of their love and support. I was thrilled that Andrea got on this board and got to know all of the strong, amazing people that have helped me deal with this latest speed bump of life. Second, would have to be all of you. There are not words enough to express how much your kind words, cards and my amazing care pakage have meant to me. When I joined this board I had no idea that it would become a such a lifeline for me. Thanks for being here. Third, Drs. Brackman, Schwarz, Collins and Steffen along with St. Vincents. I cannot forget the wonderful people that I met while at Seton Guest Hall. I have truly been blessed.

I am hoping to start a real estate salesperson course in mid July so that I can list the houses that my son and his partners build for some income. I believe that I will be ready to take a class and drive by then. If not then I will adjust accordingly.

I hope that all is well with everyone and I am going to try to read some of the more current posts later on this evening.

Hugs and kisses to all,

diag. 2/23/06 left side
4x8x6mm bony area
1.4x.1.1x1.1cm brain area
waiting for surgery in May 06


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Re: Today is a good day for Karla
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2006, 07:48:00 pm »
Karla it's so good to hear from you!  Andrea has been a doll and is now an official wench :o)
I too had trouble with my eyes you know there are exercises you can do.  One of them is to try to read.  Starting out with larger print books (maybe reading to your grandkids?)  Also have andrea hold two pens in front of you and shift them closer to farther and stay focused on one or the other.  Also moving left to right slow and fast and tracking with your eyes.
Hoping your class goes well!


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Re: Today is a good day for Karla
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2006, 08:04:17 pm »
It is so good to share your good news. You are still in our thoughts and prayers. I'm sure things will keep improving. You are really blessed to have such a great support team. I am so glad Andrea kept us posted!!! I know it is hard to take it slow and easy but relax and enjoy the pampering and before you know it you will be back in the middle of things.
Take care,


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Re: Today is a good day for Karla
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2006, 09:06:34 pm »
Hi Karla,

I'm pretty new to the site and I was wondering what you thought about all you went through traveling to LA to see the Doctors at House. Was it worth or if you had to do it over again would you do it locally?

3.5cm Diagnosed June 2006 - Removed June 28, 2006
House Ear Clinic - Los Angeles, CA
Surgical Doctors: Brackmann, Hitselberger, Kutz, and Stefan
CFS Leak Doctor: Friedman
Follow-up Doctor: Cullen

Entire tumor removed
Facial nerve intact

Today is a good day!