Author Topic: First post-op MRI agreed upon.  (Read 1546 times)


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First post-op MRI agreed upon.
« on: January 11, 2011, 01:42:12 pm »
Hello friends.  I saw my neurosurgeon in Chapel Hilll.  He was very happy with my recovery to date, especially my really improved balance and my lack of other symptoms. 

When it came time to discuss the first MRI, we back and forthed.  I asked him when the first one would be.  He said "6 months."  I asked "Could it be a year???"  He said it needed to be this calander year, so we agreed upon November.

I'm happy about that, as it gives me 10 long, wonderful months away from doctors, hospitals, MRI's, or anything else of a medical nature (God willing and the crick don't rise!!).  I'm going to enjoy it.

When I commented to Dr. Ewand, at the end of the visit, that the surgery had been something I NEVER wanted to repeat (sorry - but it was not a pleasant experience, as I can't take Versed, or the other 'amnesia' drugs), and that I wondered if the GK might have been less unpleasant, he seemed upset.  Later, in the hallway, I showed him how great my balance was, and he told me "If' you'd done GK, that wouldn't be the case."  I said that made the memories more bearable.

So I guess I am now in watch and wait again???    Funny how that doesn't occur to you when you are doing all your research, pre treatment choice.  But I guess it's because I didn't properly think out what would happen if all the tumor wasn't gotten.  So here is to hoping that that little 1mm dries up and dies from lack of nourishment!!  Other than the waiting, I am feeling better every day.

Here's to enjoying the next 10 months.  emom